Rachid Talbi Alami and Naam Miyara, candidates respectively for the presidency of the Chambers of Representatives and Councilors


The government majority agreed to present the candidatures of Rachid Talbi Alami and Naam Miyara, respectively for the presidency of the Chambers of Representatives and Councilors.

In a press release, the government majority indicates that these candidacies come in view of the election of the presidents of the two Chambers of Parliament and other organs of the Legislative Institution in accordance with the Constitution.

According to the same source, these candidatures were presented on the basis of the results of the electoral deadlines experienced by the Kingdom and which constituted an important step in the consolidation of the democratic process in the country, with a strong citizen participation.

The presentation of these two candidatures takes place in the sil lage of the completion of the other constitutional institutions having a close relation with the governmental majority, and on the basis of the same foundations and principles governing the composition of the government, as well as within the framework of the efforts aimed at making these institutions benefit from all the guarantees of success , in the respect of the values ​​of efficiency and self-negation having marked, from the beginning, the action of the majority, specifies the press release.

The same source emphasizes that by keeping in mind the confidence placed by citizens in the components of the government majority and expressed by their own desire for change , based on a new approach in the management of public affairs, the components of the majority have, first of all, set the priorities to be dealt with by the country, with the resulting challenges to be taken up.

The majority subsequently looked into setting up the government architecture likely to implement these priorities and meet these challenges, as well as the choice of profiles on the basis of criteria of competence, efficiency and responsibility, before tackling the development of a government program reflecting these ambitions, the press release notes.

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