Roast chicken day, today a tribute to one of the most loved recipes by Italians

Il pollo arrosto è una delle ricette più amate dagli italiani
Roast chicken is one of the most loved recipes by Italians

Today, October 2nd, is Roast Chicken Day . The day dedicated to a dish that is a must on Italian tables, perhaps with a side of potatoes and with the inevitable divisions between those who love the breast and those who love the thigh or prefer wings. A day celebrated throughout Italy with a series of events but also an opportunity for Coldiretti to make an economic analysis. In the last year every Italian has consumed 21.56 kilos of poultry meat most of homegrown production.

“Poultry meat – underlines the Coldiretti – they are the most consumed by Italians who can count on a national production that guarantees self-supply and for this reason it is important to always check the label to verify the Italian origin which ensures the highest levels of quality and safety. At national level – Coldiretti specifies – the offer is guaranteed from a network of 6,300 professional farms offering work for 64 thousand people for a total production of almost 1.4 million tons of poultry meat , especially chicken and turkey whole, in pieces or processed into preparations, breaded and packaged.

Roast chicken is also an international dish and accepted as meat by the three great monotheistic religions while its preparation combines gastronomic traditions from every corner of the planet: from the USA to Japan, from Thailand to India, passing through South America, Portugal and France, alone or combined with potatoes, vegetables or rice.

In Italy the recipe is an integral part of the gastronomic tradition, also cited by Pellegrino Artusi in his treatise “Science in the kitchen and art of eating well “. “Chicken meats – suggested Artusi – will be more tender and of better color if you roast them wrapped in a sheet whose part adhering to the meat has first been greased with butter; to prevent the paper from burning, grease it often on the outside. When half cooked, remove the sheet and finish cooking the
chicken, turkey or whatever, salting and greasing them “.

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