Shy Warrior Takes the Stage in RPG Real Estate TV Anime Character PV

Rakira imagines shoo-ing annoying monsters out of a home with a broom in a scene from the upcoming RPG Real Estate TV anime.

A new key visual (below) and a new character preview video have been published for RPG Real Estate (known in Japan as RPG Fudousan), an upcoming TV anime based on the 4-panel comic fantasy manga by Chiyo Kenmotsu about a group of adventurers tackling the real estate industry together.

The latest character PV (below) focuses on Rakira, a warrior who possesses a shy personality despite her great skill with swords, spears, and bows. Rakira loves domestic work such as cooking and cleaning. She cares for Rufuria very much, but also depends on her too much and spoils her greatly.

The original RPG Real Estate manga is serialized in Houbunsha’s Manga Time Kirara Carat seinen manga magazine. The story follows Kotone Kazairo, a magic-user, who takes a job at a fantasy real estate agency and tries to find unusual customers new homes with the help of her fellow employees, Fa, Rufuria, and Rakira.

A new key visual for the upcoming RPG Real Estate TV anime depicting the main cast gathered in their meeting room and about to enjoy a freshly baked fruit tart. Rufuria answers an old-fashioned telephone, Rakira carries the tart on a tray while wearing a pair of oven mitts, Fa waves at the audience, and carries a clipboard and prepares to welcome prospective clients.

The RPG Real Estate TV anime is directed by Tomoaki Koshida and features animation production by Doga Kobo. The series is scheduled to broadcast in Japan beginning in April of 2022.

Source: Comic Natalie

Copyright notice: © Chiyo Kenmotsu・Houbunsha / “RPG Real Estate” Production Committee

Megumin and Aqua from KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! 2 smile and pose for a Crunchyroll ad banner.

Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.

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