Simple, proactive care keeps compact wheel loaders up and running

When greasing pivot points, don’t forget to grease the articulation point, which is commonly forgotten.


Wheel loader hours-based services

“There’s a reason why it’s important to log hours while utilizing a CWL,” Padgett said. “There are some additional tasks to take care of when the machine reaches 250 and 500 hours, so you need to know when those milestones are approaching.” 

250 hours: Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, the engine oil and fuel filters should typically be changed every 250 hours. Most engine manufacturers require an initial engine oil change after the break-in period. Following this, oil change intervals are usually 250 to 500 hours. 

Check the oil level in the front and rear axles, power divider, and all four planetary drives. Initial service for the wheel loader’s planetary assemblies after the first 250 hours is also recommended.

500 hours: Change the oil in the front and rear axles, power divider, and all four planetary drives within the initial 500 hours. Following the initial period, these will only need to be replaced every 1,500 hours. Lastly, replace the axle breathers and check battery posts for corrosion and clean if necessary.

Wheel loader annual maintenance

The next major service intervals are 1,500 and 3,000 hours. At this point, the oil in the axles and hydraulic system is nearing the end of its service life and should be replaced. The wheel loader should be thoroughly checked to ensure there are no loose or worn parts.

1,500 hours: As mentioned before, the oil in the axles, power divider, and planetary drives needs to be replaced. Additionally, change the hydraulic oil and service the brake system.

3,000 hours: Every 3,000 hours, replace the hydraulic oil, air filters, and breathers. 

“The 3,000-hour mark is also a good time to ensure all bolts and screws are tightened to the proper torque specifications,” Padgett said. “You should also look at hydraulic hoses for fatigue, cracking, or leaks, and replace them if you notice any of these issues.”

Wheel loader engine maintenance

Depending on its manufacturer’s specifications, a diesel engine will likely need maintenance at certain hourly intervals. Some of this maintenance will simply consist of fluid changes, valve-train adjustments, and fuel and exhaust-system checks.

“If your wheel loader has a turbo-equipped engine, one operational technique is vital to its health – the warm up and cool down,” Padgett said. “Allow the engine time to warm up before putting the machine under a load, and let it cool down before completely shutting it off. It’s a common misconception that because the engine is small, cold starts and hot shutdowns won’t hurt it – they will.”

While allowing a Tier 4 Final engine to idle continuously can cause regeneration issues, taking a few minutes to heat it up at the beginning of your shift and cool it down at the end is a painless way to prevent premature turbo failures or engine damage.

“Engine manufacturers will have their own guidelines for service and inspections,” Padgett said. “That’s why it’s important to review the engine service manual for specifics on the best way to maintain your engine over the course of its lifespan.”

Avoid common mistakes

Compact wheel loaders are tough machines that rarely break down if they’re maintained properly. Most failures can be avoided with proper maintenance. Padgett says that Takeuchi sees two common issues that will impact a wheel loader’s productivity. 

“Because wheel loaders have many articulating and pivoting components, greasing the machine really is key to its longevity,” he said. “The articulation joint moves constantly and is under tremendous stress. Give it plenty of grease to avoid premature wear of the pins and bushings. The wheel loader’s steering cylinders and loader pivot points should also be greased every day.”

Another consideration that may not be readily apparent? Multiple operators. Manufacturers regularly see problems caused by different operators using the same machine at different times – and assuming someone else has taken care of daily maintenance.

“Say a compact wheel loader is left at a job site to load and unload materials,” Padgett said. “One operator finishes his shift and leaves, expecting the next guy to take care of greasing or checking the oil. Or he thinks the guy before him already took care of it. In reality, no one does those very important tasks for days on end. That’s when breakdowns occur.

“Reading and following the procedures outlined in your operator’s manual is a great start. But good communication with all machine users is also vital. Put processes into place that ensure your machine gets the attention it needs, and it’ll serve you well for years to come.”

Lynette Von Minden is a public relations manager with Swanson Russell.

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