So you can use WhatsApp on an iMac or MacBook without depending on your iPhone mobile

The ‘Multi-device’ mode of WhatsApp is a tool that will serve to link your account on up to four different devices without depending on the mobile, it means that the cell phone is without internet access, far from the PC or laptop and even off, you can continue chatting without any inconvenience. The aforementioned function will allow you to independently access WhatsApp mobile, Desktop, Web and in the future a native app will be created for iOS and Android tablets.

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As the mode ‘Multi-device’ is still in the development stage, and it is likely to be launched in the course of this 2022, WhatsApp has launched a new update in the beta version of its application for cell phones with iOS operating system, which gives you the possibility of linking your account on an iMac or MacBook computer without depending on the iPhone.

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Done, you can now use WhatsApp on these Apple computers without the need to have the iPhone on, near or with internet access. It is important to clarify that if you close WhatsApp Desktop without first logging out, anyone who opens the platform will be able to see all your conversations and information in them, so always remember to close your account.


Do you have a problem with WhatsApp? Do you need to report it? If you have any kind of problem, then you should write to their contact email: smb_web@support.whatsapp. com or . You can also make the same request from your iPhone through the exclusive service for iOS.

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