Solution to end the pandemic: “Arrest Bill Gates”

Bill Gates periodically coronavirus pandemic ) is announcing his views on it. Microsoft CEO, who made some statements again, was on the agenda on social media. Bill Gates’ 2022 prophecies are as follows: •Digitalization will now be permanent.•Digital avatars will be played in a 3D space.•Telemedicine will develop further.•The pandemic, which I predict will end at the end of 2022, may unfortunately be with us in 2023.

Solution to end the pandemic: “Arrest Bill Gates”

Different reactions came in response to Bill Gates‘s comments. Hakan Ural, the presenter of the program called “What’s Happening Alive” on Kanal D, also made an interesting statement. Hakan Ural offered a solution to end the pandemic.

Ural, in his post on Instagram, ” My suggestion for a solution to the coronavirus: Find and arrest Bill Gates almost immediately. Shut it down. Let’s make a solid bargain and agree what he wants in the military joint, we are tired of this ordeal. ) Hakan Ural also tested positive for Covid-19 in the past period. Ural, who regained his health after the treatment he received at the hospital, also drew reaction in his comments about the health workers.

Hakan Ural became popular on social media after Bill Gates comment. Some users commented, “If Bill Gates had said, “Arrest Hakan Ural,” the whole world would have learned about it, but no one knew Hakan Ural. The number of users who think that Bill Gates has something to do with the pandemic has increased. What do you think about this subject?


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