“Squid Game” for popular in South Korea – Netflix sued

CENTRAL: Actor Jung-Jae Lee (48) in the role of Seong Gi-hun in «Squid Game ». Photo: YOUNGKYU PARK

A South Korean internet provider has sued the streaming giant because the super-popular TV series is overloading the web.


SK Broadband, as the company is called, demands that Netflix cover the expenses that follow in the wake of the increased internet traffic, writes Reuters .

It The South Korean TV series has become a massive hit worldwide since it was launched a few weeks ago. At the time of writing, it is at the top of the top list in a number of countries, including Norway. It is supposed to be Netflix’s biggest viewer magnet ever.

a court in Seoul has already concluded that Netflix should turn up “an appropriate amount” in support of the ISP – which incurs development and maintenance costs.

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Politicians in the country have also spoken out against distributors who do not provide financial support to broadband providers when power content leads to “traffic jams” like this.

Netflix opposes the lawsuit, but has now, according to Reuters, stated that they will assess the situation, enter into a dialogue with SK Broadband and work to ensure that the supplier’s customers do not experience problems with the streaming.

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