Stranded dog Millie rescued by drone with sausage

‘Last resort’

3 hours 36 minutes ago

Her love of sausages turned out to be the salvation for Millie. Image © Denmead Drone Search & Rescue

The attempts by the police, fire brigade and the coastguard to lure a stray dog ​​in Hampshire, England away from a dangerous stretch of mudflats, all failed, but an ultimate, creative rescue attempt had success: a sausage on a drone.

Millie, a Jack Russel/Little Greyhound cross, had run away a few days earlier when her leash slipped from her owner’s hand. After a search, she was found in an area near the coast, on a tidal flat that was about to be submerged.


But Millie wouldn’t budge. Attempts by rescuers to lure the dog to a safer area, or to approach her with a kayak, all failed. Police, fire brigade and coast guard were powerless.

An idea from Denmead Drone Search and Rescue, a rescue team that works with drones, turned out to work. One of the employees came up with the idea of ​​attaching a sausage to a drone, hoping Millie would follow the scent. That plan worked wonderfully.

Dog Millie has all the attention for the drone with sausage.

© Denmead Drone Search & Rescue

“It was a crazy idea,” Chris Taylor, the head of the rescue team, told The Guardian. “A local resident took care of the sausages, I think they were from Aldi. That woman baked them for us and then we wired one to the drone.”

Sausages favorite food

Fortunately, Millie turned out to be hungry. “If we hadn’t lured her away, she might have drowned,” Taylor says. “It was something we had never tried before. The sausages were a last resort.”

The dog was picked up after being led to a higher part of the area. She has now been reunited with her owner, who is not surprised that the trick worked. “Millie loves food and she’ll take whatever you give her,” says Emma Oakes. “Sausages are her favorite, so this was probably the best way to lure her.”


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