Strategic alliance places Spain as one of the countries with the largest number of crypto ATMs

The alliance between Bitnovo and Eurocoin will allow the installation of 100 ATMs that operate with cryptocurrencies in Spain.

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Alianza estratégica sitúa a España como uno de los países con más cantidad de cajeros automáticos cripto

The alliance signed between the bitcoin exchange (BTC) Bitnovo and the dedicated company to the manufacture of automatic teller machines (ATM), Eurocoin, will allow the growth of the network of ATMs that operate with cryptocurrencies in Spain. This strategic agreement contemplates the creation and distribution of 100 Bitcoin ATMs throughout Spain, as shared by the company specialized in the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies Bitnovo.

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    Furthermore, they emphasize that this fact will not only allow achieving a greater rapprochement of society with the cryptocurrencies, but will place Spain as the first country in Europe, surpassing The Savior, the first st country to give legal tender to BTC, in the number of active ATMs, and as the third in the world with the most crypto ATMs, only behind Canada and U.S.

    According to the information shared, both companies have assumed the commitment to contribute to the expansion of the network of ATMs that operate with cryptocurrencies, thus facilitating that any user have access to bitcoin and the main digital currencies.

    The company stands out in words of the founder of Bitnovo, Marcos Muñoz, in a context in which banks reduce the number of ATMs, “due to the change in customer habits” , crypto ATMs “they don’t stop growing”.

    Regarding the operation of these ATMs, the company highlights, “ which are the simplest and market insurance” , since that for its use, does not require the client to enter his number wallet or scan a QR code.

    With this launch, both Bitnovo and Eurocoin highlight that this alliance will turn them into “ a power worldwide in the installation of cryptocurrency ATMs and Bitnovo places it as “leader in the sales segment of cryptocurrency physical coupons” in more than 400,000 points in Europe.

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    For his part, the CEO of Eurocoin Spain, Fernando Dumont, this agreement is due to a strategic move that aims to expand its market niche and benefit over all to Spanish and European users with more options so that they can have access to this new economy, also highlighting the presence of the company as one of the main manufacturers of ATMs in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, in addition to having 3 factories of the Kingdom United, Germany and Hungary.

    “This strategic move by the company to expand our market niche from traditional and digital payment systems to ecosystems


    and cryptocurrencies. We believe that the future of payments in all its forms will coexist with the crypto universe in the short term.”

    Keep reading:

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    • Mastercard predicts the trends of 2022 in Latin America, including Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and 5G

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