Sylvester Stallone Painting Sells for $410K at AIDS Research Gala

Sylvester Stallone
Tulsa King & Painting Savant, Too …
Art Makes Big Some Bucks for Charity!!!


Sylvester Stallone may want to retire from acting and focus on painting full-time… ’cause one of his creations sold at an auction for AIDS research — and made nearly half a million dollars.

The actor and his family hit a gala in support of amfAR — a prominent AIDS research foundation — at The Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas last night and, Sly brought a painting with him … a multicolored Stallone original.

Check out the clip … the auctioneer is asking if one of the warring bidders wants to one-up the current offer — sitting at $410K!!!

The bidder turns down the opportunity… and, it sells to the other as people loudly applaud. The camera quickly flashes to Stallone’s face — who looks so excited his work could raise a ton for a great cause.

Check out the piece of art for yourself, called “Knocking Heads” … full of vibrant greens, yellow and reds with faces deep in thought — and a rendering of Sly as iconic character Rocky Balboa.

If you don’t know … Stallone’s painted for years, so this isn’t a novel work — but, it’s still a heck of a lot for someone who doesn’t paint for a full-on living.

Stallone received an award at the gala, from Tommy Hilfiger and his wife Dee. We’re told the event went well and was incredibly profitable for the organization.

BTW … Sly was in a giving mood it seems — ’cause he also auctioned off a spot in the next season of “Tulsa King” which went for another $300K.

Stallone may be a member of the “Expendables” … but, his charity contributions were indisposable.

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