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2 posts
Chewing Gum with GMO Could Reduce the Spread of COVID
Gum carrying a protein produced by genetically modified lettuce traps SARS-CoV-2 Credit: Malte Mueller/Getty Images A type of chewing gum mixed with a protein that is a gateway for infections with the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, could serve as a low-cost way to help prevent its spread, a recent study suggests. The angiotensin-converting enzyme 2…
February 24, 2022
Chewing gum while pregnant linked to fewer premature births in Malawi
Malawi has the highest rate of premature births in the world, but a study suggests a simple intervention with sugar-free chewing gum can reduce the problem Health 3 February 2022 By Clare Wilson Chewing gumImaginechina Limited / Alamy Stock Photo Chewing sugar-free gum twice a day during pregnancy is linked with a lower rate of…
February 3, 2022