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5 posts
Fix the Planet newsletter: When net zero means not zero thumbnail

Fix the Planet newsletter: When net zero means not zero

By Adam Vaughan A demonstration by Rainforest Action Network, Stop the Money Pipeline and Bank Track at COP26, Glasgow, Scotlandjeremy sutton-hibbert / Alamy St This is Fix the Planet, the weekly climate change newsletter that reminds you there are reasons for hope in science and technology around the world. To receive it in your inbox, sign…
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Wild Wild Life newsletter: The natural history of partridges and pears thumbnail

Wild Wild Life newsletter: The natural history of partridges and pears

By Penny Sarchet The gray partridge (Perdix perdix, left) and red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa)Shutterstock / Voodison328 (L) Shutterstock / Jesus Giraldo Gutierrez (R) Hello, and welcome to December’s Wild Wild Life, the monthly newsletter that celebrates the biodiversity of our planet’s animals plants and other organisms. To receive this free, monthly newsletter in your inbox,…
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