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THE EMPEROR IS ACCUSED OF HAVING USED MAJA, SO HE KICKED UP: Filip is kissing the singer, and when he comes out he wants to talk to his ex!  JANJUŠ also spoke! thumbnail

THE EMPEROR IS ACCUSED OF HAVING USED MAJA, SO HE KICKED UP: Filip is kissing the singer, and when he comes out he wants to talk to his ex! JANJUŠ also spoke!

Foto: Printscreen/Pink TV, Printscreen Filip Car dobio je pitanje gledalaca, pa otvoreno progovorio o odnosu sa Majom Marinković. Naime, Maja je izjavila kako je veza sa Carom bila "limunada", a on je sve objasnio. foto: Printscreen- Maja je izjavila da je sve vezano za tebe limunada, ali je isto tako primetila da Janjuš često pevuši…
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