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8 posts
Solar Orbiter captures highest-resolution views of Sun’s surface
Serving tech enthusiasts for over 25 years. TechSpot means tech analysis and advice you can trust. In brief: The Solar Orbiter's ongoing mission to the Sun has unlocked invaluable information for researchers during its spiral around our star. The mission has already transformed our understanding of solar physics and its implications for our planet and space exploration.
November 24, 2024
NASA’s Juno Orbiter Captures Stunning Images of Jupiter’s Moon Io
On February 3, 2024, NASA’s Juno spacecraft made a second close flyby of Io, the fifth of Jupiter’s moons and the third largest. Like the previous flyby on December 30, 2023, this second pass was at a distance of about 1,500 km (930 miles). During the twin flybys, the spacecraft’s JunoCam instrument returned spectacular, high-resolution
February 9, 2024
The Solar Orbiter spacecraft may have discovered what powers solar winds
We know the sun belches out solar winds, but the origin of these streams of charged particles remain a mystery and has been the subject of numerous studies over the past decades. The images captured last year by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument aboard ESA's and NASA's Solar Orbiter, however, may have finally given
August 25, 2023
Solar Orbiter捕获到有史以来最大日珥喷发的全貌图
太阳轨道飞行器(Solar Orbiter)近日捕获的一张太阳全貌图中,展示了有史以来最大的日珥(Solar Prominence)喷发。日珥是太阳磁场剧烈活动的结果,它使密集的太阳等离子体悬浮在太阳表面之上,有时采取拱形环的形式。 它们通常与日冕物质抛射有关,如果直接射向地球,会对我们的技术和日常生活造成严重破坏。最近一次日珥发生于 2022 年 2 月 15 日,覆盖范围延伸到数百万公里的空间。幸运的是,本次日冕物质抛射并不是针对地球的,而且正在远离我们。目前太阳轨道飞行器正在接近地日线,而在在面向航天器的太阳圆盘上没有爆发的迹象,这意味着本次日珥是源自太阳远离我们的一面。太阳轨道飞行器(Solar Orbiter)是欧洲空间局(ESA)和美国国家航空航天局(NASA)联合研制的太阳探测器,是近年来继帕克太阳探测器后NASA对内层太阳系的第二次探测任务。该探测器将利用金星和地球的引力脱离黄道面,首次提供太阳两极的图像。该图像是由太空轨道器上极端紫外线成像器(EUI)的“全日成像器”(FSI)拍摄的。FSI 在设计之初就用于观察整个太阳盘,即使在接近太阳的过程(比如下个月即将到来的近日点通过期间)中也能纳入整个视野里。在 3 月 26 日最接近时,航天器将在大约 0.3 倍的日地距离内通过,太阳将占据望远镜视野的更大部分。现在,圆盘周围仍然有很多"观察余地",使 FSI 能够捕捉到大约 350 万公里以内的惊人细节,相当于太阳半径的 5 倍。其他空间望远镜,如欧空局/美国宇航局的SOHO卫星经常看到这样的太阳活动,但要么离太阳更近,要么通过遮挡器更远,遮挡住太阳圆盘的强光,以实现日冕本身的详细图像。因此,太阳轨道器观察到的突出物是有史以来最大的此类事件,它与太阳圆盘一起被捕捉到,为首次看到像这样的事件与太阳圆盘的联系提供了新的可能性。
February 20, 2022
Solar Orbiter spacecraft captures huge eruption on the sun (video)
Home News Science & Astronomy The Solar Orbiter spacecraft made a milestone observation in space as it captured a huge solar prominence, or eruption.It's the largest such event ever observed in a single image along with the full solar disk and will add to the joint NASA-European mission to better understand solar activity, mission officials…
February 18, 2022
Trace Gas Orbiter Spots ‘Tree Stump’ Crater on Mars
ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) has spotted an ice-rich impact crater in Acidalia Planitia, a Martian plain between the Tharsis volcanic province and Arabia Terra to the north of Valles Marineris. This image from ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter shows a giant impact crater in Acidalia Planitia on Mars. Image credit: ESA / CaSSIS / CC…
February 2, 2022
China’s Mars orbiter snaps amazing selfies above Red Planet
January 3, 2022
Home News Science & Astronomy China's Tianwen-1 Mars orbiter captured this stunning selfie above the Red Planet by jettisoning a small camera and beaming photos via WiFi to the mothership. (Image credit: CNSA/PEC) China's Tianwen 1 spacecraft at Mars pulled a big New Year's surprise with stunning new images captured by a small camera that…
Trace Gas Orbiter Finds Water Ice in Martian Polar Crater
ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter has returned a stunning image of a 4-km- (2.5-mile) wide crater located in Vastitas Borealis, the largest lowland region of Mars. The new TGO image shows a small crater partly filled with water ice in Vastitas Borealis on Mars. Image credit: ESA / Roscosmos / CaSSIS / CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.…
December 27, 2021