The ministry has launched a project to modernize healthcare

This is the largest technical support project in the field of health care from the European Union

The Ministry of Health (MZ) SR has launched a project to modernize healthcare. It will use the funds from the recovery and stability plan for this. They will give priority to improving hospital management, supporting primary care and strengthening the DRG system. As the spokeswoman of the department Zuzana Eliášová informed on Saturday, TASR informed, the ambition is to bring innovations to medical facilities. She explained that experts from the ministry had been preparing the project for almost a year. “This is the largest technical support project in the field of health care from the European Union. The aim is to prepare systemic changes in selected areas,” she said, adding that the project was approved by the European Commission (EC). “The common goal of all projects is to use funds for the provision of modern treatment and innovative methods in health care facilities in Slovakia,” said Minister Vladimír Lengvarský (OĽANO nominee).

Three areas of reform

Nathalie Berger, Director of the EC’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support, added that the EC provides support for transformation. According to her, health is a key area and the support of the Member States is a priority of the European Commission. Iveta Griačová, General Director of the Effective Management Section of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, added that the reforms were prepared by the Ministry as part of the reform package. It consists of three different components that will fit together under this one overarching project. The project of the Ministry of Health The comprehensive health care reform consists of three separate components, on which groups of experts work. The first is the centralization of hospital network management, the second is capacity building in DRG development, and the third is primary care reform. Experts addressed each of these areas in separate workshops on the Ministry’s premises.

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