The Ministry of Health is “actively monitoring” the COVID situation and does not envisage new measures

Хора, наредили се на опашка за ваксиниране срещу тежко боледуване от COVID-19 )

Хора, наредили се на опашка за ваксиниране срещу тежко боледуване от COVID-19

© Georgi Kozhukharov

People queuing for vaccination against severe disease from COVID-19

The Ministry of Health does not currently envisage new restrictions against the spread of the new variant of the coronavirus Omicron , the spread of which was officially confirmed days ago. On the other hand, the agency has set up a new council for measures, called the pandemic committee for coordination and control of the introduced anti-epidemic measures.

This is of course from a press release from the institution to the media after a closed-door meeting of the health authorities. The new committee is headed by Deputy Minister Georgi Yordanov (former BSP MP – author’s note) , and the Council also includes the Chief State Health Inspector Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev, representatives of the Ministry of Health, Regional Health Inspectorates (RHI) and Emergency Aid.

“After consultations with the management of the expert councils on epidemiology, infectious diseases and virology, it was decided to continue active monitoring of the epidemic situation, including in view of the proliferation of the Omicron option “, the Ministry of Health said in a statement, noting that no new restrictions are envisaged so far.

The only measure the ministry is expected to take is to change the rules for entering Bulgaria, introduced by former Health Minister Stoycho Katsarov. So far, those arriving in the country from countries in the so-called red zone (with a morbidity of 500 people per 100 thousand population, little research or proven spread of mutation – author’s note) , who are certified for COVID-19 for vaccination or disease, do not need to present a negative test result in order not to be subject to quarantine

The new order states that it will state that those arriving from countries in the red zone will also have to be tested by PCR or antigen test, whether vaccinated or ill.

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