The new 10 thousand peso coin circulating in the country

by La Nación

The Banco de La República will issue, for a single time, the new 10,000 peso coin, which will reach ‘their pockets’ in commemoration of 200 years of Independence of Colombia.

For commemorative purposes and for the only time, the Banco de La República issued the currency of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Colombia that has been available to the public since yesterday.

According to the Bank, the currency has a nominal value of $ 10,000 and can be used to make monetary transactions, for the equivalent of its current value.

The coin has on one side the image of a woman, which, around her, has the phrase ‘American Freedom’. This commemorative coin takes as the basis for its design the coin known at the time as “la india” or “la china”, minted in Colombia between 1813 and 1826.

On the other side of the coin will appear the image of “an open grenade, with its stem and several leaves”, which is used to remember the name that the nation once obtained: the Republic of New Granada. The symbol will be accompanied by the phrase ‘Republic of Colombia’ and 2019, the year the project began and, above all, the fulfillment of the Bicentennial.

The currency may be acquired in Bogotá in the Bank’s Treasury, as well as in the branches and cultural agencies of the Banco de la República at the national level, with prior scheduling to guarantee compliance with sanitary and distancing measures.

Citizens who want to schedule their appointment to acquire this currency must take into account the following: A maximum of five coins per person will be exchanged, while supplies last. The commemorative coin, which has a nominal value of $ 10,000, is legal tender and may be used to carry out any type of monetary transaction for the equivalent of its face value. This unit is silver in color (copper nickel alloy), has a diameter of 35mm, a thickness of 2.65mm and a weight of 21.75 grams.

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