The new Alola Ninetales Holoatuit in Pokémon Unite divides players by its high price

After recently receiving the mobile version, news with a new trailer and more together with a message with the arrival of Spanish and other information , in addition to adjustments in several playable characters , now we have news with Pokémon Unite.

As you may remember, we recently learned that it is already available the new divine Holoatit for Ninetales de Alola along with new clothes for the avatar, specifically the Snow Set .

However, it seems that the price of said Holoatuendo has divided the community of players of this popular title. We remind you that it has a price of 2,499 Aeos gems , which is equivalent to 40 dollars . This means that it is the most expensive skin in the game, which has not been liked by many players who have not hesitated to manifest themselves through Reddit .


Despite the fact that Nintendo has lowered the price of the upgraded items, balancing the playing field for fans who do not want to invest money in the game, many players find that the price is excessive . The Japanese company has greatly reduced its “pay to win” system with enhancers, but it may have been at the cost of skins being more expensive.

Finally, We remind you that Pokémon Unite is a team fighting strategy game developed by The Pokémon Company and TiMi Studios, from Tencent Games. This is a free download game with a multiplatform connection function for Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

In this title, players face each other in team battles of 5v5. During the game, players will have to cooperate with their teammates to catch wild Pokémon, level up, evolve, and defeat their opponents, while trying to score more points than the opposing team within the time limit.

What do you think? You can find our full coverage of the game, including news and guides about it, at this link .

Via .

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