The race between Dan Barna and Dacian Cioloș for the leadership of USR PLUS on the edge of a knife. Who leads after 70% of the vote

Friday, 01 October 2021, time 03:05

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The elections for the leadership USR PLUS are in the final stage, and on Friday, October 1, at 20.00, the party representatives will stop voting and will announce the winner. After the first round was won by Dacian Cioloș, a small difference from his opponent Dan Barna , tensions arose between the two.

Last Thursday, September 23, Dacian Cioloș beat Dan Barna by two percent in the first round of the leadership elections USR PLUS , although it was initially thought that the latter had the best chance.

According to some political sources, they have so far voted about 32,000 members of party out of a total of nearly 49,000. In the first round, 32,815 people voted, ie 74.4% of all those with the right to vote. According to the quoted sources, so far, Dacian Cioloș has a slight lead over Barna but there are chances that the situation will be reversed.

After the leader of Renew Europe won the first round of elections, his opponent Dan Barna launched an attack under the belt, saying about Cioloș in a party debate that he is a “man of the system”. Criticism also came from the deputy Emanuel Ungureanu, who accused Cioloș of filling the party with security guards.

Cioloș’s reaction did not take long to appear, and on an internal group he launched a series of accusations against the way in which the second round of internal elections takes place. At the same time, the MEP pointed out that the label of “man of the system” has been assigned in the past by PSD or PNL .

“Dan defined me today as a man of the system. A label that the PSD, the Penelists or their propaganda offices have put on me over time. I do not understand how he agreed to appoint me, a man of the system, secretary of state in 2016. Or Cristi Ghinea minister, Cătălin Drulă counselor state and so on. Did they make a pact with a man of the system then? ”, Cioloș retorted.

Fighting the undecided

Last week, a few minutes before the result of the first round vote was announced, Senator Irinel Darău, who obtained a score of 10% (3,300 votes) stressed that regardless of the result, in the second round will not support either candidate. He then accused Dan Barna of “attacking democracy”, saying that the internal voting procedure had proved to be “deeply flawed”, while the co-chairs did not show any sign of wanting to fix it.

“In this context, I want to announce right before the calculation of the results of the internal vote that I will not support any candidate in round 2, if it will exist. I cannot support a candidate who threatens democracy, just as I cannot support a candidate who watches this aggression without doing anything “, Darău reported.

Later, in an intervention at Digi24 , Darău returned with criticism to Dan Barna. “I do not see a future with Dan Barna, president of the party and possibly a candidate in the presidential elections. (…) Dan Barna did not get 50% and I am satisfied with this “, said the senator. In other words, Darău veiledly stated that he prefers Dacian Cioloș to the party leadership.

The new president of USR PLUS will be validated at the USR PLUS congress that takes place on the weekend of October 2-3, at Romexpo . During the same event, which will be attended by about 150 people, branch delegates from all over the country will also elect members of the National Bureau of USR PLUS which ensures the executive leadership of the party together with the president.

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