The US tax office is looking at the findings of the Pandora Papers case. Among them are Prime Minister Babiš's shops

The US Tax Bureau has confirmed that it is interested in the findings of the Pandora Papers case. One of the described financial operations is also the one when the American company of the current Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO) transferred real estate in France to Monika Babišová. According to experts, this transaction could be subject to local taxation. The prime minister’s secret details. He did not state them in the property declaration and does not answer Radiožurnál’s questions.

Original message Washington

The U.S. Attorney’s Office is interested in the findings of the Pandora Papers case | Source: Reuters

U.S. Office of Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the US tax office, deals with the findings of the International Consortium of Journalists (ICIJ) arising from the Pandora Papers case. This was confirmed by Office spokesman Robert Marvin in response to Radiožurnál’s inquiries about Babiš’s transactions.

“The IRS investigation unit recorded information published by the ICIJ. Whenever such information appears, we carefully document it and consider how best to handle it, “Marvin wrote to Radiožurnál.

On Sunday, an international consortium of journalists, including the Czech server, unveiled a complex network of companies owned by Babiš, through which in 2009 he bought real estate in France in worth less than 400 million crowns.

According to journalists, Babiš founded a total of three companies in the USA, Boyne Holding, in the USA. According to the experts consulted, the transactions carried out by the French real estate company could be taxed in the United States.

Boyne Holding owned a luxury residence on the French Côte d’Azur, namely: through its Monaco subsidiary called SCP Bigaud. Babiš sent the amount of $ 18.1 million for the purchase of real estate to Boyne Holding through a loan through an offshore company from the British Virgin Islands, found out.

he refuses to do anything illegal. The last time in the pre-election debate of Czech Television. “Everything was according to the law. I did it according to the recommendation of the real estate agency, “he said on Wednesday.

Secret transfer to wife

French investigative journalists also pointed out that Babiš owned a luxury residence on the French Riviera through a foreign property structure for several years after his entry into politics, including part of the period when he held the position of Czech Minister of Finance. The situation did not change until the end of 2016.

At that time, the American company Boyne Holding transferred the shares of SCP Bigaud (the owner of the French property at the time) to the current wife of the Prime Minister Monika Babišová, then a friend of Andrej Babiš. According to Radiožurnál’s experts, Babiš’s company may have been required to pay taxes in America for the first time.

“Of course, in general, if there is a sale, such a the sale is taxable. And when it comes to a transaction between related parties, the transaction must be under market conditions. Especially in the USA, the observance of market prices is closely monitored, “explains Martin Houska, partner of Acredos.

The details of the transfer of shares of the company owning French real estate are not known. Although Babiš was Minister of Finance in the given year, and was thus obliged to publish property declarations, he kept the ownership of Boyne Holding secret from the public.

“Andrej Babiš had property declarations state both the ownership of their foreign companies and the income from the transfer of real estate to Monika Babišová. The fact that they are trying to cover up this information only increases the suspicion of the whole event, “says Milan Eibl, an analyst at the anti-corruption organization Transparency International.

. Babiš did not answer Radiožurnál’s question about how much his partner acquired the shares of SCP Bigaud. He also left unanswered the question of whether his company Boyne Holding paid tax on this transfer and in what amount.

The purchase of real estate in France cost him less than 400 million crowns in 2009. Since then, their value may have increased. Moreover, it is not certain whether Monika Babišová would have such a purchase. When asked how his partner saved funds for the acquisition of SCP Bigaud’s shares, Babiš also did not answer

In 2018, Babiš abolished Boyne Holding. The company therefore had to go through liquidation. If there were any money left in the company after its sale after the sale of its real estate subsidiary in France, it would be received by its owner and this balance would also have to be taxed.

” The Czech Republic at the moment when it receives the liquidation balance, it is taxed similarly to the dividend income. This means that he would be taxed at 15 percent, “Houska describes.

Radiožurnál also asked Babiš whether he had received a liquidation balance after the liquidation of his company Boyne Holding, whether he paid taxes on that income, and to what extent. However, he did not answer even that, although the liquidation took place at a time when he was already the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic.

Duty to tax

According to experts, it is also possible that Babiš’s company Boyne Holding donated shares in a real estate company in France to his partner Monika Babišová. In that case, however, the obligation to pay gift tax would fall on it.

“In America, especially in the case of a related party transaction, it will be perceived either as a hidden dividend payment and they will tax it with a dividend tax. Or they will consider it a kind of capital withdrawal from the company and they will tax it again, “Houska explains.

“Once the gift is from the company, it will not be possible to apply the tax exemption there,” he adds. In addition, it would be necessary to pay tax on such a gift in the Czech Republic, albeit reduced by the amount paid in the United States.

Monika Babišová subsequently transferred shares in SCP in 2018 Bigaud and holding Agrofert. Also due to this transaction, she could be obliged to pay tax, this time in the Czech Republic. Even Czech law requires that Babišová transfer the company’s shares to Agrofert at a price corresponding to its market value.

Also on how much his partner of the holding company Agrofert transferred the shares of SCP Bigaud and what tax she paid on the transfer, Radiožurnál asked Prime Minister Babiš. However, the Prime Minister left this unanswered. The Czech Financial Administration did not reply to Radiožurnál’s question whether it would deal with these transactions with reference to the duty of confidentiality

Babiš also had to pay taxes in France as part of the transactions. The server focused on the consequences of this complex operation . According to him, thanks to this operation, the prime minister was able to secure a reduction in real estate tax and also solidarity tax. However, the Prime Minister also left unanswered the question of what taxes he paid in France.

Possible tax cuts

French Public Prosecutor’s Office already on Wednesday announced that it will examine the findings of an international consortium of journalists. The local Ministries of Finance and Justice did not answer Radiožurnál’s questions.

The server, referring to experts in French law, pointed out that Babiš could reduce taxes through a complex system of buying a residence through three companies and mutual loans. By owning all the companies involved, he was actually lending money to himself. In this context, the server stated that in France, lower taxes are paid on the purchase of real estate if the purchase is also made through a loan.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire in response Pandora Papers announced on Twitter that he would demand an investigation into whether French tax residents had cheated.

The examination of transactions through the tax havens of Prime Minister Babiš and other Czech actors in the case has already been announced by the domestic National Center against Organized Crime.

According to the server, which published the case in the Czech Republic, the revelation concerns up to 300 Czechs and almost 200 offshore companies with a Czech background. The server said that further revelations resulting from this case will be published after the election. They should concern the former minister, local politicians, armourers and the richest people in the Czech Republic.

Vojtech Srnka , Jakub Tronicek

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