This keyboard has 3 keys, and is only for copy-pasting (and no, that's not a joke)

Questa tastiera ha 3 tasti, e serve solo per copia-incollare (e no, non è uno scherzo)

The keyboard that is only used for copy-pasting is a reality, and can be ordered on Drop. And those wishing to go further can also customize the function of the

keys of “=” author “=” “=” “> Nino Grasso published 01 October 2021 , at 14:01 in the channel Peripherals

It all started as a joke, but in these hours Stack Overflow has made its last April Fool a reality. keyboard with three keys that is only for copy-pasting and pre-orderable on Drop. It is characterized by its small size that the detachable cable is almost bigger, however the list price is perhaps even crazier than the project: $ 29, with next shipments scheduled for December 13.

As already mentioned, this story originates on April 1st, when users of the Stack Overflow blog received warnings about an elusive limit on the copy-paste that can be carried out on the site. The only way to bypass the limit would have been to buy The Key , the keyboard containing only the keys needed to perform the shortcut. To put it all in context, Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for developers, created to help them in every programming process. It is clear that on the blog the copy-paste is a lifesaver .

The Key is the keyboard with only three keys, including C and V

The keyboard only has three keys : one of these emulates the Ctrl, to be held down to launch the shortcut. Pressing the key together with the C copies the selected content, while if you want to paste it elsewhere you can keep the first key together with the V. It is useless to dwell on further explanations. The strength of the mini keyboard born from the collaboration between Stack Overflow and Drop is the fact that the three keys are programmable: in short, the user can use the three keys as he wishes, for example to increase or decrease the volume or brightness of the display. .

If used in this way, however, it must be said that The Key is nothing new in the industry, since the category of “macropad” is not born with the blog product. Yet the three-key keyboard has its own reason: product quality looks good with Switch Kailh Boxes aiming to offer “an ultra-smooth linear feel”. The switches are installed on a small aluminum case, and the connection to the computer is via a USB Type-C cable (supplied).

The charity campaign is also interesting: buying The Key, in short, all Stack Overflow proceeds will go to digitalundivided while Drop will donate 5% of its share.

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