Try Sutrisno's son is entrusted with the post of Regional Commander III/Siliwangi

Putra Try Sutrisno Dipercaya Jabat Pangdam III/Siliwangi Kunto Arief Wibowo at the rank of Brigadier General. ©2021 – Commander TNI General Andika Perkasa appointed Maj. Gen. TNI Kunto Arief Wibowo as Commander of the III/Siliwangi Regional Military Command (Pangdam). This two-star general is the son of the former Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces and the 6th Vice President of Indonesia General TNI (Purn.) Try Sutrisno.

. Agus got a new position as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Armed Forces.

This mutation was confirmed by the Head of Information Center (Kapuspen) TNI Major General TNI Praantara Santosa, Saturday (22/1).

“That’s right,” said Prantara.

Mayjen Kunto Arief Wibowo graduated from the Military Academy in 1992, from the Infantry branch. After graduating, he occupied various strategic positions within the Indonesian Army.

Prior to his appointment as Pangdam III/Siliwangi, Kunto held the position of Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division/Kostrad.

Kunto was recorded as having served as Danrem 044/Garuda Dempo in Palembang in 2016. At that time his rank was still a colonel. He also briefly held the position of Commander of Puslatpur (Combat Training Center) in Baturaja, South Sumatra.

Reporter: Ady Anugrahadi/

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