Udo Jürgens († 80): Peace at last! Agreement in his children's inheritance dispute

After many years of legal disputes over the future exploitation of the musical legacy of Udo Jürgens († 80), John and Jenny Jürgens and Freddy Burger have come to an amicable agreement . In the future, the legitimate children will take care of the fate of the recording company Udo Jürgens Master AG as sole shareholders.

Jürgens business partner Freddy Burger focuses on music publishing

This means that the publication of the entire Udo Jürgens music production catalog is in the hands of the two Jürgens children. Freddy Burger, who was the business partner and friend of Udo Jürgens for 40 successful years, concentrates on maintaining the music publisher that belongs to him for the works of Udo Jürgens. Freddy Burger is responsible for the musical development of these works created by Udo Jürgens , for example through their use in film, advertising and musical productions as well through the inspiration of today’s active musicians.

John (57) and Jenny Jürgens (54) to the agreement with Freddy Burger: “With his music, our father has, far beyond the German-speaking area, A cultural asset created and generations of enthusiasm with it. We are preserving his musical legacy & his fans can now look forward to the continuation of further releases of the Udo Jürgens original recordings. “

Freddy Burger zur Agreement with the Jürgens children: “I am delighted to be able to manage the musical works of Udo Jürgens that are part of the ARAN music publishing catalog. Udo Jürgens has been one of the most gifted musicians and entertainers in the German-speaking world for the past 60 years. I am grateful that I was allowed to accompany him on his journey for so long and I am proud of what we have created in the almost 40 years of our collaboration. I will work to ensure that the music of Udo Jürgens lives and is also able to inspire the next generation. “

The inheritance dispute that smoldered over the family for so long is now over. Years ago, Jürgens-Sohn grabbed his hands John told BUNTE.de about it. You can see what he had to say about it in the video below.

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