Vaccines, still 5.6 million at zero doses. 40% between forties and fifties

Coronavirus emergency

In one week the audience no vax (over 12) dropped by 197 thousand people. In the 12-19 age group, 18.5% still without vaccination protection

Data of the vaccinated as of December 26, 2021

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While the variant Omicron of coronavirus advances, the infections are registering new records and the vaccination campaign started a year ago has reached the third dose with the opening also to the smallest range (age range 5-11 years ) the number of people continues to be consistent over 12 years old who keeps away from anti-Covid immunization: 5,683 millions (without considering the healed) according to the latest government report which records a slight advance compared to the previous week with 192 thousand new members (but there were more in the previous seven days with 227.689 first injections). Confirmed the rankings with the block “no vax” is concentrated in the age group of 40 and 50 years (in total 2.26 millions).

Vaccine, daily doses administered in Italy

The number of doses administered which are communicated daily on the basis of reports from the regions. The number of vaccinated people on the last day could be partial, it is updated several times during the day

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Among adolescents, 18.5% still unvaccinated

The unvaccinated represent 10.5% of the population over 12. In absolute value, the number is between 40-49 years ( 1,221,454 ) and age 50-59 ( 1,038,570 ), while in percentage terms the largest slice is found among 12-19 year olds: the 18.47% which corresponds to 854.716 people in an audience of 4,627,514. On the contrary, the incidence of unvaccinated people in the contiguous range of 20-year-olds is very low: only 8% is waiting for the first dose. To find a lower percentage it is necessary to go back to the categories of the elderly (among the over 80s it is 4.0% , among the 70-year-olds 6.43% ).

In Sicily the highest percentage of no vax

Based on the calculations of Lab24 (but in this case the healed are also taken into account) it is also possible to reconstruct the ranking of the Regions. In the lead remains the Sicily : on the island more than one fifth of over 12 people ( 22.6% ) has no vaccine protection. Also in Calabria has similar percentages ( 21.2% ) and in third position there is Alto Adige : in the province of Bolzano the no vax are the 20.2% . At the opposite of the vaccine spectrum there is the Tuscany where the percentage of those who did not join the campaign is 13.3% . Single territory, together with Lazio and the province of Trento, to remain under 14% .

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