VIDEO: In the first league derby about Liptov, a clear victory of Ružomberok was born

Ružomberok players celebrate the opening goal of the match Photo: TV Markíza

MFK Ružomberok footballers scored their third victory in a row in the Fortuna League. In Saturday’s duel of the 10th round, they defeated MFK Tatran Liptovský Mikuláš smoothly 4: 1 and in the incomplete table they have the third place. Martin Regáli contributed two goals to the win.
MFK Ruzomberok – MFK Tatran Liptovsky Mikulas 4: 1 (1: 0)
Goals : 62nd and 64th shelves, 22. Kochan (from 11 m), 58. J. Butter – 86. Laura. Judges: Kráľovič – Jánošík, Čajka, ŽK: Luksch, Hranáč, 1205 spectators
Ružomberok: Krajčírik – Fabiš, J. Maslo, Mojžiš, Madleňák – Lutheran (75. Zsigmund), Kochan (86. Múdry) – Rymarenko (86. Ďungel), Brenkus (46. Takáč), Regáli – Gerec ( 75. T. Bobček)
Liptovský Mikuláš : Luksch – A Krčík, Hranáč, Pintér, Janec (78. Flak) – Gerát (D. Krčík), Staš – Laura, Bartoš, Kačerík (46. Voško, (52. Švec) – Pinte (86. Kotora) I. Half time The first historical derby was played under Čebrať between the two district towns of Liptov. At the beginning, the Nicholas had a little more ball on their feet at times and developed their first promising position at the end. In the 17th min. A. Krčík centered on the right side, but Pinte headed into Krajčírik’s hands up close and vigorously. In the 20th min. Gerec made a mistake for Laura, he rushed to the goal of Tatra himself, her guard Luksch uncompromisingly sent him to the ground and Kochan from the ordered eleven opened the score – 1: 0. The carpenters then had the direction of the match in their hands until the end. In the 33rd min. after a clever home action, Luksch caught Rymarenko II. Half time
In the 58th min. Takáč took a direct free kick from the right side, which beat the ball into the top corner. 2 – 0. In the 62nd min. Takáč pulled a nice individual action, Rymarenko’s shot was blocked by the guests so much that Regáli found himself in front of Luksch with an increase to 3: 0. A minute later, the goalkeeper of the goal of Tatrana eliminated Regálim’s “goal”, but he immediately broke through the keeper’s sanctuary – 4: 0. In the 85th he had a good shooting parquet Pinte, but aimed only at the middle of the goal. In the end, Liptovský Mikuláš only mitigated the loss Match summary :

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