Wait, What?! Florida Inmates Go Viral For Conceiving Child Behind Bars Without Ever Meeting In Person

Two Florida inmates, Daisy Link and Joan Depaz, are going viral after conceiving a child without ever meeting in person while behind bars. The Independent reports that authorities have allegedly charged both inmates with separate murder offenses.

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Details On Florida Inmates Who Conceived Child Behind Bars Without Meeting

Daisy Link and Joan Depaz, who were held at the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center in Miami-Dade County, spoke to WVSN about how it all went down. Per The Independent, Daisy Link and Joan Depaz said they never met in person but somehow had a baby together. Law & Crime reports they allegedly started talking through air conditioning vents in their cells. When they spoke to WSVN, Link called their child “a miracle baby,” and Depaz compared the conception to “the Virgin Mary.”

Link explained that she easily bonded with Depaz because they spent so much time talking.

“Being in isolation for so long you begin to spend hours and hours talking to this person, you know, to the point where it’s almost as if you’re in the same room with them,” Link said.

Depaz then remembered telling her he wanted to have a baby, but he couldn’t for a while since he was allegedly facing a first-degree murder charge, according to Law & Crime. From there, they made a plan.

“I always really wanted to have a baby. And I’m not gonna get to do that for a really long time. So if I had to choose somebody, you know, it would be you,” Depaz said.

Daisy Link explained that she got pregnant through the prison’s vent system. The two figured out that she could drop something from her vent, and it would land in Depaz’s. Depaz allegedly wrapped his reproductive fluid in Saran wrap five times a day for a month straight. She reportedly placed it in yeast infection applicators and inserted them into her body.

“He would kind of roll it up almost like a cigarette, and he would attach it to the line that we had in the vent, and I would pull it through,” Link stated.

After a few tries, Daisy became pregnant. Their baby girl was born on June 19 and is now five months old, living with Joan Depaz’s mother. In her WSVN interview, Daisy shared her surprise that their plan actually worked and said she has high hopes for their daughter.

“I can’t believe it worked. I think everything happened for a reason. She could be anything. I think that she’s gonna be something great,” Link said.

Social Media Reacts

Instagram user @coopdajuice wrote, A baby the last thing 2 inmates need to be worried about.” 

Instagram user @samerenyc wrote, Um… I think their priorities are a little off.” 

While Instagram user @simplyvv_ wrote, Who’s taking care of the baby. They both have murder charges 😢” 

Then Instagram user @thanamesrandi wrote, “Another example of if he wanted to he would LOL! 😂” 

Another Instagram user @joweldesouza wrote, Anddd people pay doctors thousands for in vitro fertilization!!” 

Instagram user @ceebeauty1 wrote, Child going be confused when she find out her parents never met.” 

Finally, Instagram user @dredataurus wrote,Florida will find new ways to Florida.” 

More Info On Daisy Link & Joan Depaz & What’s Next For Them?

The Independent states that Daisy Link and Joan Depaz now stay at separate facilities. Depaz is at Metrowest Detention Center, while Link remains at Turner Guilford Knight, according to records. The outlet notes that the two still talk on the phone and reportedly have video calls with their child. Miami-Dade Corrections is reportedly conducting a thorough internal investigation into the incident.

RELATED: SAY WHAT?! Florida Mother Charged After She Allegedly Drowned 14-Year-Old Daughter By Holding Her Head Underwater

What Do You Think Roomies?

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