Wendy Kallergis, CEO of Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association, Set to Retire

  • Wendy Kallergis, CEO of Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association, Set to Retire   

Wendy Kallergis, the leader of the Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association (GMBHA), has announced her retirement from the position of President and CEO. Serving the organization for nearly two decades, Kallergis will step down from her role on December 31, 2024.

Throughout her tenure, Kallergis has significantly contributed to the growth and reputation of GMBHA, making it the largest hotel lodging group in Miami-Dade County. Her efforts have fostered unity and collaboration among the travel, tourism, hospitality professionals, and government and business leaders at local, national, and international levels.

During her leadership, Kallergis launched the Sustainable Hospitality Council to promote eco-friendly practices in the industry. She also played a crucial role in navigating the organization through the COVID-19 pandemic and the Zika virus outbreak.

Kallergis is widely credited for transforming Miami into a top-tier destination for major events and cultural tourism, enhancing its global reputation. In collaboration with the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB), she attracted significant events to Miami-Dade, including the Super Bowl and the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

Before joining GMBHA, Kallergis served as the President and CEO of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce for over a decade. Under her leadership, the Chamber became a vital force in the community, promoting economic growth and advocating for business-friendly policies.

Born into a restaurant family, Kallergis earned her B.A. in French Language from George Washington University and attended the University of Paris, the Cordon Bleu L’Ecole de Cuisine, and the Modern Gourmet Cooking School in Annecy, France. She then continued her work in the culinary arts in Washington, D.C., before establishing her career in Miami.

As Kallergis prepares to retire, the GMBHA has begun the search for a successor. Curtis Crider, the former Chairman of Jungle Island Resort, will serve as Co-CEO to assist with the leadership transition.

Throughout her career, Kallergis has received numerous accolades, including the South Florida Business Journal’s Influential Business Women Award, the American Hotel & Lodging Association’s Women in Lodging Connect Leader of the Year Award, and HSMAI South Florida Chapter’s 2020 Hospitality Legend of the Year. Her retirement marks the conclusion of an influential period of leadership for the GMBHA.

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