What car is Radu Dragusin driving: “It's not even new”. Who jumps in his defense, after refusing the summons to U21

  • League 1: Sepsis – Rapid , Saturday, 19:30, Digi Sport 1

  • League 1: Dinamo – UTA Arad , Saturday, 16:30, Digi Sport 1

  • The young defender motivated his decision by the fact that he wants to settle in Sampdoria, a team for which he did not managed to make his debut, but his explanations did not stop the reproaches against him. Florin Manea, Radu Dragusin’s agent, is one of the few people who jumped in the footballer’s defense.

  • 3 million euros is Radu Dragusin’s market share, according to Transfermarkt.
  • 4 appearances the Romanian defender ticked in Juventus’ shirt.
  • Florin Manea jumps in support of Radu Dragusin: “Sampdoria did not take him because he is beautiful or because he was paid”

    The manager claims that Drăgușin is a serious footballer, who just wants to prove that it is not in vain has come to play in Serie A , and insinuates that the Romanian Football Federation “would hunt him down.”

    He refused to come for a friendly match of the national team because he had to give his Baccalaureate. He told me: ‘I haven’t learned anything, if I go to the group, I don’t have time to recover and I won’t take the Bac. He took a grade of 9.16 at Bac. Maybe the people from FRF thought that I influenced him not to come to the group and they want to make their ambition now. They called him to the friendly match with Georgia and put him in for 8 minutes, which is not normal.

    The child it’s sensational! He has an extraordinary modesty, he is a very serious boy. He’s not a jerk, he doesn’t comment, he’s not a jerk. Sampdoria didn’t take it because it was beautiful or because it was paid. They took him because they trusted him and received good references.

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    It will be his turn and he will play. Another was sitting quietly at Juve and taking the money. He never asked how much his salary will be, he just wants to play football “, said Florin Manea, for sport.ro .

    “Radu Dragusin has a 20,000 euro car, not a 200,000 Ferrari”

    Manea praises the modesty of Radu Drăgușin, who compared to other Romanian footballers who took the step to important teams from abroad at an early age, did not buy accessories or cars worth hundreds of thousands of euros, despite the huge salary they receive.

    Radu has a watch of 500 euros, not tens of thousands , as did other Romanian footballers, who were packaged and sent back to the country. He has an Audi Q5 car, worth 20,000 euros, it’s not even new.

    He has a salary of tens of thousands euros per month, but he is a modest person and a young man who puts football first. If just because he didn’t take his Ferrari for 200,000 euros and doesn’t spend his money on fashionable breezes, he is considered not a footballer of great value, then he is not. That’s why maybe not everyone likes him ”, Concluded Manea.

    Tags: florin manea , radu dragusin , car radu dragusin , radu dragusin modest , ceas radu dragusin

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