Winner shocked: “It feels great”

Fysikpristagarna 2021.

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Photo: Johan Hallnäs / TT

Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi will share this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics. Everyone has made important discoveries to understand the Earth’s climate.

– I do not really understand it, but it feels great , says Klaus Hasselman when TT reaches him on the phone.

– I heard it only five minutes ago. I’m still trying to grasp it

– It really is a surprise. I do not think I have done too much research in my life, but I have had a lot of fun doing it with my colleagues. And being awarded the Nobel Prize is a fantastic surprise.

TT: Tell us about your research for which you are now being rewarded?

– I’m still not quite sure what it is, I’ve done a lot of different things. Climate research, human impact on the climate, and so on. But it is enough for my research that shows that humans have actually affected the climate, Hasselmann tells TT just minutes after receiving the news that he has been awarded the Nobel Prize.

TT: You get the award “for physical modeling of the Earth’s climate, quantitative analysis of variations and reliable prediction of global warming”.

– Yes, just that. It has been my primary contribution. And it’s unbelievable that I should be praised for this, it feels great to be recognized in such a way.

TT: How are you going to celebrate today?

– I do not really know. First I have to catch my breath and see what happens, but I have no plans.

“Very happy”

The Italian Giorgio Parisi did not expect a Nobel Prize, but still stayed close to the phone when it started to shrink .

– When I saw the number from a Nordic country, I had an idea what it was about. I’m very happy, he tells TT shortly after the winners were announced.

– It was a long time ago that the Nobel Prize went to a researcher working in Italy, so it is also a great recognition of Italian science.

Parisi highlights the hundreds of people he has worked with since he discovered hidden patterns in disordered complex materials.

– This award is a recognition of their work and I am so happy about our cooperation. It is students and other young employees that I have worked with.

TT: What does the price mean for your research?

– It is an important recognition of parts of theoretical physics that have been developed over the last 50 years, about disordered systems. I have worked with this for a long time, my first work on the subject was in 1979, says Parisi.

– It has taken a lot of time and been a long struggle for impact and recognition. I am very happy about the contribution that my work has made to the field of research.

“No time to lose”

According to the Nobel Committee, the three laureates have in one way or another shown that our knowledge of the climate rests on a solid scientific foundation . And it is important to act quickly on the climate issue, according to Parisi.

– There is no time to lose, he says.

– It is like during the pandemic, if you introduce control measures too late, the result will be more painful. It’s very important that we act forcefully and that now.

Parisi has not had time to think about how he should celebrate.

– It’s a nice question, but I have not had time to discuss it with the family. So I have to think about it.

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