Women's Hand BL: We were hungry to play a match again – Fodor Csenge

Almost two months ago, the Audi ETO KC in Győr played its last match, demonstrating strength in the Champions League match against Metz. After the 39-30 win , Fodor Csenge told NSO Tv how hungry they were for the game.

“We can be terribly proud of ourselves, we went a long way against Metz,
we fought a lot, even for our missing teammates. We were hungry to play a match again! I also consider the French team to have a chance at the final four, so it was a special pleasure, despite the difficult circumstances, we held a demonstration of strength against them ”
– said Fodor Csenge, who also discusses in our video how much of this was physically taken out of them. a fast-paced match, as two more domestic BL matches await them in a week. And can they expect players who have been eliminated due to the coronavirus against Ljubljana as well as Odense ? The left wing of Győr responded to this as well. WOMEN’S HANDBALL CHAMPIONS LEAGUE
, ROUND 10

GYŐR AUDI ETO KC – METZ HB (French) 39–30 (20–13)
Győr, 4177
viewer. V: Metalari, Nikolovsky (Northern Macedonians)
GYŐR: GLAUSER – FODOR CS. 4, RJU 6 (1), S. Oftedal 3, BRATTSET 5, V. KRISTIANSEN 10 (3), SCHATZL N. 7. Replacement: Silje Solberg (goalkeeper), Anne M. Hansen, Pintea 2, Sztankovics K., Gerencsér 1, Háfra N. 1, Farkas J. Coach: Ambros Martín
METZ: Kapitanovic – Cardoso 1, Burgaard 2, De Paula 2, N ‘Gouan 2, Nocandy, BOUQET 5. Replacement: Sako (goalkeeper), O. Kanor 1, BOUKTIT 4, Bont 2, HORACEK 8 (4), E. Jacques, Micijevic, L. Kanor 3. Coach: Emmanuel Mayonnade
Development of the result. 8 min: 6–2. 15. p .: 11–3. 17. p .: 12–6. 24. p .: 15–10. 35. p .: 23–15. 43. p .: 27–19. 49. p .: 30-22. 54. p .: 35–25
Exhibitions: 6, resp. 12 minutes
Seven meters: 6/4, ill. 5/4
Ambros Martín:
– Based on our performance, no one can guess what difficulties we had to overcome. We have withstood the pressure well in difficult situations so far, even now everyone could add something plus, we were able to make up for the missing ones to the maximum. Thanks to the players, they gave an incredible performance, giving me an experience I had a long time ago during a match.
Emmanuel Mayonnade: – We knew that Győr had struggled with significant problems in the recent period, but this time the Hungarian team proved its extraordinary abilities. We tried to stay in the match all the way, including a strong start, we tried our best, but this time we had so much. We can only hope that we can meet Győr again in the current call.


9 9 – –

317-223 + 94


9 6 – 3 276-238 + 38

6 – 3 258-240 + 18

9 4 2 3 234-235 – 1


4 1 4 250-249 +1

8 2 1 5 201–207 – 6

9 2 7 232-303 – 71

8 8 188-261 – 73

2. Vipers Kristiansand (Norwegian)
3. Metz Handball (French) 9
4. CZECH REPUBLIC Moscow (Russia)
5. Odense Handbold (Danish)
6. Crimea Ljubljana (Slovenia)
7. IK Sävehof (Swedish)
8. Kastamonu Belediyesi (Turkish)
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