Xbox Live services being discontinued on Windows 10 Mobile devices from May

Profile saves and achievements included.

If you’ve doggedly remained an avid user of your Windows Phone, routinely playing your Windows Phone games into the small hours, you might wish to know that Microsoft will no longer be supporting its Xbox Live services on the platform from May.

The company broke the news in a message shared to users of its Xbox app on iOS and Android (thanks Windows Central), noting that Xbox features will cease to function on Windows Phone devices starting on 16th May this year.

While it says “some” games will remain playable after that date, any online components will cease to function – achievements will be retired, for instance, and progress made on previously supported games will no longer be recorded to users’ Xbox profiles.

Xbox – console games on PC, iPhone, and iPad trailer.

It’s hardly an unexpected turn of events, of course; Microsoft announced it was ceasing active development on new Windows 10 Mobile hardware and features back in October 2017, with the final security update for the OS arriving in January 2020.

Since then, Microsoft has spread its Xbox wings onto other, more successful, mobile platforms, with both iOS and Android supporting a raft of Xbox-Live-related services – including cloud streaming of games via Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

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