You can now see 'Eternals' on Disney +


As was expected , the great premiere of Disney + for the month of January is also one of the most important of the phase 4 of Marvel . Eternals arrives on the Disney streaming platform after passing through theaters and is now available for free (within the general catalog ) for all subscribers.

Eternals is undoubtedly one of the Marvel movies that must be seen because of how different they are from the big franchises like The Avengers . A very interesting kind of experiments that opens a new path for the future of Marvel, in line with the staging of Shang -Chi that surprised locals and strangers, as we commented in our review.

As is usual for special releases of the platform, there are than to be Disney + subscribers, but unlike other releases, Eternals is available to everyone, without having to pay any extra in the form of Premier Access. In fact, if you want to see Eternals and you are not a subscriber, you can take advantage of the fact that we are in January and take everything in 2022 with Disney + at a reduced price.

‘Eternals’ now available on Disney +

As we said at the beginning, Eternals is undoubtedly a movie from the Marvel universe very different from what we are used to. An entirely new story for the Marvel Cinematic Universe that introduces new characters and offers a story of its own that has a lot of future for years to come.

Directed by Chloé Zhao, Eternals stars a luxury cast, with Richard Madden (Ikaris), Gemma Chan (Sersi), Angelina Jolie ( Thena), Salma Hayek (Ajak), Brian Tyree Henry (Phastos), Lauren Ridloff (Makkari), Kumail Nanjiani (Kingo), Barry Keoghan (Druig), Ma Dong-Seok (Gilgamesh), Lia McHugh (Sprite) and Kit Harington (Dane Whitman / Black Knight), among others.

Date of registration in Disney Plus now and save thanks to the annual subscription , with which you can enjoy its entire catalog of series and movies, access to the latest releases , to the catalog of Star and the best National Geographic documentaries.

Also, remember that the movie will also be available in IMAX within Disney +, so may be a good time to try this aspect at home and take advantage of its technology.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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