Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra will be the official name and will not have Note branding
Recently, there have been rumors that the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra could be renamed Galaxy Note 22 Ultra, as the phone will have a built-in S-Pen slot and will be replace the tech giant’s Galaxy Note series.
It is expected that Samsunglaunch your high-end smartphones Galaxy S22 next generation, in January 2022 and details about the phones started to come online. This time, the company is also expected to launch three models, Galaxy S22, S22 Plus and S22 Ultra.
As for camera department, it will continue to have a 108MP main camera, which will be coupled with a 12MP ultrawide camera, and two 10MP telephoto cameras. The device will be equipped by a battery of 5000mAh and shall support 45W fast charging, along with wireless charging and reverse wireless charging support.
Graduated in Informatics / Multimedia I have been working for 10 years in Logistics in the Automotive Branch. I have a passion for New Technologies, I grew up with computers and technologies always present, I watched the evolution until today and I continue to absorb as much information as possible. I am a Tech Junkie. Addicted to Smartphones and of course
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