‎Umm Alqura says infrastructure works in Masar destination 75% complete

Umm Alqura for Development and Construction announced the completion of 75% of infrastructure works in its “Masar” destination in Makkah.

Work commenced on new parts of the project, the company said in a statement.

The project’s completion rate reached advanced stages in the fourth quarter of 2021. Bridge works are almost complete, as the completion rate exceeded 98%, while more than 86% of road intersections work has been completed.

The completion rate in the car corridors intersecting with King Abdulaziz Road exceeded 72%, while it exceeded 66% in the car parking areas.

Works on the service tunnels that serve the infrastructure of the project is 52% complete and still in progress. The pedestrian walkways are more than 41% complete, the statement said.

Masar destination in Makkah is a leading development and investment project that aligns with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. It is aimed to serve both Makkah residents and visitors, and facilitate their access to the Holy Mosque.

The project includes residential complexes and international hotels, government service departments and many integrated cultural, recreational, social and commercial facilities. The project will also add thousands of hotels and residential units to the holy city, the first of which will be launched in 2023, including a series of international hotels such as Kempinski, Hilton and Taj.

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