10 Project Winter Tactics That Make Betrayers Like Betrayals

Project Winter, which is one of the most colorful games with the theme of “There is a traitor among us,” manages to make a name for itself when it is mentioned among the games in its theme, although it is not very viral.

Even though you fulfill your duties as a survivor and simply try to survive, things change a lot when you become a traitor . Because Project Winter makes backstabbing your friends pretty fun. You have to dial all kinds of tricks and make plans to both build trust and destroy them. Of course, this is not always easy. As such, we decided to prepare a few tactics about Project Winter for beginners or those who are already playing. Project Winter tactics:

        For survivors: Travel in groups

      • For traitors: Lone wolf tactic
      • Learn how to build trust

      Don’t troll people

    • Learn to steer correctly
        Don’t be afraid to run away
    • For traitors: Always strike first

    For survivors: Explain special roles now

  • Always keep in touch
  • Know when to disclose important information

    For the survivor: Travel in groups

      It is very difficult to destroy the large groups formed in the game. If the player manages to trust

    the other players next to him , they can easily corner and kill the traitors. But this job is a complete team game and requires you to completely trust other players.

    For the traitors: Lone wolf tactic

      Being a wolf in sheep’s clothing is definitely tempting. But traitors are not always easy to overcome. Instead, one of the traitors should appear as innocent as possible and the other should score as humanly as possible . needs to be contracted. If you manage to be strong enough, you can hunt people down when they break up into smaller groups.

      Learn how to build trust

    Whether you’re a traitor or a survivor, you need to know how to build trust with your teammates. Without trust it is difficult to form alliances and without trust it is difficult to corner other players. Doing useful things in front of others is one of the ideal ways to gain the trust of others.

    Don’t troll people

    Whether you’re a survivor or a traitor, one of the easiest ways to get kicked out of the game is literally to undermine others’ game. chasing others is funny but players will not want to cooperate with annoying people whether they are traitors or not.

    Right direction learn to do

      While redirecting, “There is a bunker here!” A phrase heard only over the radio, such as , does not work for many people . Instead, giving more specific directions like “Go to the north of the cabin” makes things easier. Giving vague instructions is one of the ways to lose trust in your teammates. Because sending them to a secluded place with strange instructions can be a trap planned by the traitor.

      Don’t be afraid to run away

    Everyone needs to know when to walk away and when to run . Sometimes you have no choice but to drop whatever weapon you have and flee to a safe place. Especially if your health will be seriously compromised, in general, running away is a much more logical solution than fighting.

    For traitors: Always attack first ) In one-on-one combat, the player to hit first is usually the winner. However, it takes a while to perform a powerful melee attack, and if you miss, it will be very difficult to catch up with the survivor. That’s why behaving sneaky becomes the secret. Like trapping survivors in a bear trap or hiding behind a tree or bunker and making a surprise attack.

    For survivors: Explain special roles now

    This situation is a bit like a double-edged sword , but it’s good to do everything early. This is especially true if there is a Defector in the team (it has a big role because it can open special things like Defector, Secure crates, Care packages with its ability). Of course, the traitor can declare himself as a Defector and cause the death of the player in the process. But you should know that helping the team is a noble sacrifice.

    Always keep in touch The silence of the radio is the simplest way to raise suspicion. So make sure you keep in touch with your teammates as much as possible. This allows survivors to keep an eye on what everyone is doing. For traitors, it allows them to follow their enemies while actively and speaking builds trust


    What is important information? know when you will explain

    Sometimes it’s important not to provide accurate information to the team, even if you’re a survivor. A phrase like “I’m going east” might allow the traitors to prepare an ambush there for you. It is a very useful tactic to lie about the direction the players are going for security and to listen to the footsteps in case of being followed.

    Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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