£100 million-rated midfielder blasted for arrogant comments during Euro 2020

Euro 2020 winner Leonardo Bonucci has ripped into England midfield star Declan Rice and the Three Lions for the arrogance their side showed during the European Championship earlier in the year. Italy went on to beat England via penalties in the final and the Juventus defender has revealed what spurred them on to ensure they took home the cup instead of Gareth Southgate’s team.

The Three Lions were among the favourites going into the tournament. The English supporters grew more confident as their team entered the latter stages of the event and the now famous chant ‘It’s coming home’ started getting louder.

Bonucci and the Italian team were clearly not amused, and the defender admitted it spurred them on to teach Southgate’s team a lesson. The former AC Milan star put in a man of the match performance in the summit clash to help Roberto Mancini’s team lift the trophy.

Leonardo Bonucci
Italy defender Leonardo Bonucci celebrates his goal against England in the Euro 2020 final Paul ELLIS/POOL

“We didn’t pay much attention to it until the Spain game, then the anger inside of us began to mount. We wanted to show them that the final hadn’t already been decided. That they hadn’t already won,” Bonucci told The Athletic.

The Italy international also had strong words for West Ham United midfielder Declan Rice, who said England were more motivated than the Azzuri to lift the trophy. Bonucci believes the £100 million-rated midfielder’s inexperience showed when he made unnecessary comments about England’s opponents.

“Hearing that song on repeat and the comment from Declan Rice saying England were 10 times more motivated to win than us… well, they’re the kind of mistakes young players make. You don’t say that. You should never say you want something more than somebody else or you’re better than somebody else,” he added.

Rice is viewed as a future Three Lions great with the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea hoping to sign the midfielder next summer. While he may be adored in England, it looks like he does not have too many fans in Italy at the moment.

Declan Rice
Declan Rice, Euro 2020 Shaun Botterill – UEFA/UEFA/Getty Images

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