11J prisoner Yosvani García Caso turns nine days on hunger strike

The prisoner Yosvani Rosell García Caso, protester of The prisoner of 11J, is on his ninth day of hunger strike and has refused to take his heart medication, he told CiberCuba his wife, Mailin Rodríguez Sánchez.

On January 14, at the end of the trial where Prosecutor’s Office ratified the prosecutor’s request for 30 years in prison for the crime of sedition, García Caso and another 9 political prisoners in Holguín stood up to protest against excessive demands from 22 to 30 years old.

“He has already refused medication, medical care, he has refused everything and I don’t give any more”, Mailin lamented. Yosvani, 33 years old, is chronically hypertensive, has cardiovascular problems and since he was 23 years old he has had a medication card that he must take daily to maintain stable blood flow.

After 72 Hours after the strike began, several family members were summoned to the Provincial Prison, where the protesters of 11J are being held. , to warn them of the consequences of their action. At the meeting they were made to sign a document “to save his life in case something happened to them”, recalls Mailin.

They also cut off all communication with their loved ones, in retaliation for the strike and, instead, appointed a State security officer who was supposed to keep them informed of the strikers’ progress by telephone.

However, Mailin was denied information and assured that, when calling the authorized number, the officer’s response was “if you want to know about her husband, see me personally”, says the young woman.

Given the uncertainty and her refusal to give in to pressure and summons from security of the State, the planted wife went to the Provincial prison to see the prisoner, but was told that he refused to receive her.

“ I hold all the appropriate media responsible if something happens to you and they break the hearts of this family stable milia united, there are already 9 days of strike for such an injustice committed”, the mother of three published on her social networks this Saturday.

The day before Mailin had been “with a fever, with a headache, in bed” for “so many injustices committed”, plus the concern for the health of the father of their children, according to comments to CiberCuba .

As of Thursday, five of the 10 strikers remained planted, according to a report by Radio y Televisión Martí: “Yosvany Rosell García Caso, 33 years old; William Manuel Leyva Pupo, 20 years old; Cruz García Domínguez, 59 years old; Iván Colón Suárez, 52 years old, and Miguel Cabrera Rojas, 50 years old,” activist Ramón Zamora assured the aforementioned media outlet.

This Friday the figure was reduced to three, according to Idelsys Pupo, mother of Wiliam Manuel Leyva Pupo, 21 years old and 18 years old, with a tax petition who is also presumed to be on strike. It is thought that it is Cruz García Domínguez, who suffers from Parkinson’s and who is being asked to serve 25 years s jail. CiberCuba has not been able to confirm how many political prisoners are actually on strike today.

From January 11 to 14, the trial against the demonstrators of J11 was held in Holguín. According to family members, the process was riddled with inconsistencies, false witnesses and testimony, as well as a strong military deployment in the vicinity of the Provincial People’s Court where it was held.

To date, the Justice 11J working group on disappearances and arbitrary detentions has documented 407 prosecutions of July 11 protesters in which the same repressive pattern is repeated.

The figure constitutes an underreporting due to the opacity on the part of the Cuban authorities who refuse to publish the official statistics related to the massive anti-government protests.

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