12 Best CBD Oils for Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes pain all over the body. It can affect just about every joint and muscle of your body, including your neck, back, hips, and knees. The condition often leads to sleep disorders as well as depression and anxiety.

The cause of fibromyalgia isn’t known – some researchers think it’s genetic while others believe it’s related to an infection or trauma in childhood or adulthood.

Whatever the cause, there are treatments available for this painful disorder:

·        physical therapy exercises

·        medications such as antidepressants and anti-seizure medicines

·        acupuncture

·        massage therapy

·        cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

·        CBD oils for fibromyalgia

While the research is still ongoing, studies show that CBD oil may be an effective treatment for this painful disorder. CBD, or cannabidiol, is the non-psychoactive chemical compound found in hemp. Studies show CBD can help treat anxiety and depression, as well as pain.

What is CBD?

CBD is a major non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD can’t give you a ‘high’ because it doesn’t affect the same receptors as smoking weed or taking marijuana edibles.

But CBD has many therapeutic benefits, including:

·        acting as an anti-inflammatory

·        increasing blood flow to the area, which can help with pain relief

·        reducing anxiety and depression

Of course, you should always consult your doctor before adding CBD to your health regimen, especially if you are considering using CBD to help with fibromyalgia symptoms.

What are the side effects of CBD oils for fibromyalgia?

CBD oils are generally well tolerated by most people but can cause some side effects. These include dry mouth, drowsiness, diarrhea, fatigue, changes in appetite, and nausea/vomiting.

Will CBD oils for fibromyalgia get me high?

CBD oils and CBD oil extract products don’t produce a high because they contain very little of the psychoactive element THC. CBD oils are extracted from hemp plants used for medical purposes, not recreational marijuana.

12 Best CBD Oils for Fibromyalgia

If you’re thinking about using CBD oil for fibromyalgia pain relief, here are 12 of the best products available on the market today:

1.      Penguin CBD

2.      Everest

3.      Verma Farms

4.      Lazarus Naturals

5.      Lord Jones

6.      Extract Labs

7.      Charlotte’s Web

8.      Unoia CBD

9.      FabCBD

10.   NuLeaf Naturals

11.   Joy Organics

12.   cbdMD

What criteria did we use to determine the best CBD oils for fibromyalgia?

We considered several factors to determine the best CBD oils for fibromyalgia. We looked at these carefully formulated products and chose them based on ingredients, effectiveness, price/value ratio, availability online, and brand reputation.

Let’s look closer at each of these factors:


Some manufacturers use cheap, low-quality hemp that contains heavy metals and other toxins. Other products contain additives like artificial sweeteners, flavorings, or preservatives that may be toxic to your body.

To find the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia, look for products made with whole-plant extracts that are free of harsh chemicals and pesticides.


CBD oils aren’t only used for treating fibromyalgia pain.

They can also help reduce anxiety, stress, and depression – three of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia. Some studies suggest CBD oil may even be effective at promoting neurogenesis, which means it can help heal your body by creating new brain cells.

Price/value ratio

The price of CBD oil varies widely based on the extract, the purity of the product, and where you buy it.

Some very low-quality products can be found online for less than $20 per bottle – while some high-end luxury brands cost $100 or more.

Availability online

It’s convenient to shop for CBD oil online since you can usually find better deals than what’s available in local stores.

Brand reputation

It’s important to buy CBD oil from a reputable company that does third-party testing for purity and potency. Some companies create very low-quality products – so finding one with an established track record is the best way to go.

So, what are the best CBD oils for fibromyalgia?

1.Penguin CBD

Image courtesy Penguin CBD

Looking for a pure, sustainable CBD oil? Look no further than Penguin CBD. This company’s hemp is organically grown in Oregon, and the CBD is extracted using a CO2 extraction process, ensuring the cleanest, purest oil possible. And because they believe in only using sustainable farming methods, you can be sure that our oil is good for you and the environment.


Image courtesy Everest

Looking for a CBD oil that you can trust? Everest sources their hemp from clean, U.S. soil and has it tested by a third party to ensure quality and purity. Plus, transparency is key to them – so the results of those tests are available publically. Trust us, when it comes to CBD oil, Everest is at the top of the list!

3.Verma Farms

Image courtesy Verma Farms

Looking for a natural CBD oil that’s smooth and delicious? Verma Farms CBD oil is perfect on its own or mixed into your favorite drinks, dips, and recipes. It’s the perfect way to enjoy all the benefits of CBD oil in a tasty and convenient form.

4.Lazarus Naturals

Image courtesy Lazarus Naturals

Lazarus Naturals has you covered with high-potency oil that is perfect for those looking for fast relief from their symptoms. Keep in mind, though, that because this oil is full spectrum, it contains a small amount of THC. If you’re sensitive to THC or are taking a large dose, be careful not to take multiple doses too closely together.

5.Lord Jones

Image courtesy Lord Jones

Looking for a CBD product with no THC? Check out Lord Jones Royal Oil! Made with hemp extract and grapeseed oil, it’s perfect for those looking for an all-purpose broad-spectrum CBD oil. It contains no flavorings, colors, or additives, making it a great choice for those who prefer a simple ingredient list.

6.Extract Labs

Image courtesy Extract Labs

Step up your CBD game with Extract Labs’ high-quality isolate oil! This product is made with organic coconut oil and contains a whopping 2,000 mg of CBD per bottle. It’s also GMO-free and vegan certified, making it a great choice for those who care about the ingredients in their products.

7.Charlotte’s Web

Image courtesy Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil features Certified Organic full-spectrum hemp extract with a variety of phytocannabinoids. This oil is well-suited for those who are already familiar with CBD and are looking for the next level. Available online in three delicious flavors: Mint Chocolate, Lemon Twist, and Orange Blossom.

8.Unoia CBD 

Image courtesy Unoia

Unoia’s peach flavored tincture is made with Broad Spectrum hemp extract that is certified 0.0% THC and contains a high CBD concentration, along with other phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and beneficial plant botanicals. They guarantee a minimum of 70 percent CBD in their PCR Oil, but it typically contains far more.


Image courtesy FabCBD

CBD oil is all the rage these days, and for good reason! It can help with anxiety, pain relief, and even sleep problems. But what if you don’t like the taste of hemp or cannabis? FabCBD has you covered with their award-winning selection of citrus, mint, natural, berry, and vanilla flavors to choose from. Their CBD oil is crafted from the finest organically grown Colorado plants while keeping the naturally occurring terpenes and other beneficial cannabinoids in place.

10.NuLeaf Naturals

Image courtesy Nuleaf Naturals

NuLeaf Naturals brand offers premium-grade CBD oil tinctures, capsules, and pet products, all of which are made with only the finest ingredients. If you’re looking for a CBD product that will help relieve fibromyalgia symptoms, look no further than NuLeaf Naturals.

11.Joy Organics

Image courtesy Joy Organics

Joy Organics products are perfect for anyone who wants to improve their health and wellbeing with organic, all-natural products. All of Joy’s products are gluten-free, vegan, and tested by third-party labs. With no additives or artificial ingredients, these products are perfect for anyone looking for a pure and healthy product.


Image courtesy cbdMD

cbdMD is among the few brands that use broad-spectrum CBD oil, which has been proven to be more effective in treating conditions like fibromyalgia than other products that use isolate CBD. cbdMD also makes sure its products are of the highest quality and safety by having them tested by ISO-certified labs.

How long does it take for CBD oil to help fibromyalgia?  

Treating fibromyalgia with CBD oil can take time to see results, so be patient if your initial symptoms don’t immediately dissipate. Remember that everyone’s body reacts to medication in different ways, so you may need to wait longer than someone else for relief. 

You will get the most from your CBD oil treatment regimen by starting with a low dose and gradually increasing the amount you take until you find the most effective amount for your symptoms. By working with your doctor or CBD oil provider, you can determine how much CBD oils for fibromyalgia to take.

What other factors may be affecting my fibromyalgia? 

If you are struggling with pain and inflammation, you may be experiencing a lack of sleep. When your body doesn’t get enough rest, it struggles to recharge and recover from the constant stresses placed on it daily. This can make fibromyalgia symptoms even worse.

In order to relieve pain and fatigue, you need to ensure that your entire body gets enough rest. Take steps to improve your sleep hygiene, like avoiding caffeine at night and establishing a relaxing bedtime routine.

While CBD oil can help you by reducing pain and inflammation, you also need to make sure that exercise is part of your wellness plan. The right exercises can strengthen muscle groups affected by fibromyalgia while also improving cardiovascular health and energy levels.

If you think your diet is what’s holding you back from relief, look for food products that are organic or all-natural. These products do not contain harmful additives that can make fibromyalgia symptoms worse, allowing you to live a healthier life.

Although CBD oil is an excellent way to reduce pain and inflammation associated with fibromyalgia, it may not be suitable for everyone. If you have a history of psychosis, addiction, or bipolar disorder, you should definitely discuss this with your doctor before taking CBD oil. These conditions can severely interfere with the way that CBD interacts with your body and mind.

How much CBD oil should I take for pain?

One of the most common questions people have about CBD oil is how much to take. It’s important to remember that everyone is different, so you may need more or less than someone else for effective treatment.

Although it depends on the condition you are treating and the amount of pain you are experiencing, typical CBD dosage recommendations range between 2-5 mg of CBD per day. To get the most out of your treatment, start with a low dose and gradually increase until you experience the desired effect.

When taking CBD oil for fibromyalgia, it’s important to go slowly in order to avoid possible side effects like drowsiness or nausea. If your initial dosage causes any negative reactions, you can take another dose an hour or two later to help relieve your symptoms.

Is CBD oil legal?

CBD oil is legal in all 50 states, though the laws surrounding it vary by state. Because CBD oil does not contain any psychoactive chemicals, it is safe for anyone over the age of 18 to purchase and use. You can purchase CBD oil in a variety of forms, including capsules, gummies, topical creams, and the form used in the examples above: CBD oils for fibromyalgia.

In order to purchase CBD oil for pain relief, you need to find a reputable retailer with a track record of offering pure products made from high-quality ingredients. While it may be possible to find some products for less, those savings can come with a tradeoff in quality, so it is always best to do your research before making a purchase.

As more states legalize medical marijuana and cannabis oil, you should expect to see CBD oil grow in popularity as well. Even if you live in an area where weed isn’t legal, CBD oil is a great way to reduce inflammation and live a healthier life. Whether you are suffering from chronic pain or other conditions, there’s no reason not to try CBD oil for your symptoms.

Which form of CBD is most effective?

There are many different forms of CBD available for purchase, each with its own pros and cons. Some of the most popular choices include:


Oil is one of the most popular ways to use CBD because it can easily be incorporated into recipes or taken by itself as needed throughout the day.

CBD Tincture

Liquid CBD oil is quickly absorbed into your skin and the bloodstream, allowing quick relief from symptoms like pain, inflammation, and anxiety.

CBD Capsules

Pill supplements are great for people who have difficulty swallowing or don’t want to taste the oil. They are also a good choice for people who need to take medication regularly in order to experience relief from symptoms.

CBD Topical Cream

Used directly on the skin, this cream helps to relieve soreness and pain without the need for oral medicine.

How to pick the best CBD oils for my fibromyalgia?

When looking for a CBD oil to use as a natural remedy for your pain, it’s important to remember that quality matters. You should never buy products from an unknown source or one without a strong reputation, as those products may be less effective and potentially toxic.

In order to choose the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia, you should first learn more about the process used to extract it. CBD oil is made using either CO2 or butane as a solvent to create concentrated oils, which are then blended with other ingredients like coconut oil or hemp seed oil.

CO2 extraction is often considered the safest method because it uses carbon dioxide under high pressure and low temperatures. This process also produces a pure oil that is generally regarded as safe to use for your fibromyalgia symptoms.

Butane extraction, on the other hand, is not recommended for CBD oils because it is known to leave behind harmful materials like butane residue or even harmful chemicals used during the extraction process itself.

If you want the best product for your fibromyalgia, you should look for CBD oil derived using CO2 extraction. The resulting oils are not only pure but also safe to use without side effects.

What is the strongest CBD oil you can buy over the counter?

CBD oils can come in many different strengths, depending on how concentrated they are. For instance, a product with a concentration of 12 milligrams per milliliter is considered to be a high-concentration oil.

This means that you will need only a small dosage in order to experience the benefits of CBD oil for fibromyalgia.

If you are new to using CBD oils, it’s best to start with a smaller dosage and gradually increase the amount over time. This will allow your body to adjust to the effects of CBD oil before increasing your dosage for better pain relief.

How do you take CBD oil for fibromyalgia?

The best way to take CBD oil for fibromyalgia is by first figuring out how much you need. You can begin by administering a small dosage and then increasing it over time as necessary. This usually means taking 1-4 drops of CBD oil orally, twice daily.

What is the best dosage of CBD oils for fibromyalgia?

The best dosage of CBD oil for fibromyalgia will depend on your weight, age, and condition. It’s important to carefully consider dosage recommendations in order to avoid side effects or low efficacy.

The correct dosage should provide enough relief for symptoms like pain, stiffness, and difficulty sleeping without causing unwanted side effects like drowsiness or fatigue.

You may also experience benefits by applying CBD oil topically on the skin to reduce inflammation and chronic pain.

Just to recap, these are the 12 best CBD oils for fibromyalgia

1.      Penguin CBD

2.      Everest

3.      Verma Farms

4.      Lazarus Naturals

5.      Lord Jones

6.      Extract Labs

7.      Charlotte’s Web

8.      Unoia CBD

9.      FabCBD

10.   NuLeaf Naturals

11.   Joy Organics

12.   cbdMD

CBD oil is a natural remedy for fibromyalgia that doesn’t require the use of traditional smoking equipment. When looking for a CBD oil to use as a natural remedy for your pain, it’s important to remember that quality matters.

You should never buy products from an unknown source or one without a strong reputation, as those products may be less effective and potentially toxic. All of the products on our list meet the standards for high-quality, pure CBD oil.

Will fibromyalgia ever go away?

Unfortunately, there are no known cures for fibromyalgia. This makes it important to focus on treating the symptoms rather than the condition itself.

For this reason, CBD oil is usually only used as a temporary solution until you can find another treatment that works better for your needs. Nevertheless, CBD oil may give you enough relief from your pain and other symptoms to make your daily life much easier.

Before trying any new treatment for fibromyalgia pain relief, make sure to consult your healthcare provider. They will be able to recommend the dosage that is best for your situation, as well as provide information on any potential drug interactions you should be aware of.

Although CBD oil can help relieve fibromyalgia pain, it’s important not to rely on this treatment alone. By making lifestyle changes and consulting with your doctor, you can find a treatment plan that works for you.

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