15 Celebrities Who Have Been Open About Having Plastic Surgery

“All those years I denied it — stupid.”

Note: This post contains a brief mention of drug abuse.

It’s worth reminding ourselves every now and again that when we see celebrities, they didn’t necessarily magically get to look that way. So, without shame or endorsement, here are some celebs who have been candid about having plastic surgery or cosmetic work done:


Ashley Tisdale has previously spoken about having a nose job (to fix a deviated septum) and having breast implants — which she’s since had removed after having related health issues.

Amy Sussman / Getty Images


Cardi B has often spoken about the cosmetic surgery procedure’s she’s had done, including breast augmentation, liposuction, and butt injections. “Even when I was 18 and became a dancer, I had enough money to afford to buy boobs, so every insecurity that I felt about my breasts was gone,” she previously told Interview. She’s also said that she previously got her butt injections done illegally, saying, “It was the craziest pain ever. I felt like I was gonna pass out. I felt a little dizzy. And it leaks for, like, five days.”

Todd Williamson / NBCUniversal / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Butt injections are illegal in the United States and can be incredibly dangerous, even fatal. 


Dolly Parton has long been candid about having multiple plastic surgeries, previously saying, “I may look fake, but I’m real where it counts!”

Jason Kempin / Getty Images


Anna Faris got breast implants shortly after her first divorce and finishing The House Bunny. She’s also previously had injections in her upper lip, but later said it was “definitely not the right choice” for her.

Bravo / NBCU Photo Bank / NBCUniversal via Getty Images


Kaley Cuoco has had a nose job, breast augmentation, and some filler. She previously said, “My boobs — best thing I ever did…I don’t think you should do it for a man or anyone else, but if it makes you feel confident, that’s amazing.”

Rich Fury / Getty Images


Tyra Banks had a nose job early in her career, saying that she could, “Breathe fine, but I added cosmetic surgery. I admit it! Fake hair, and I did my nose. I feel I have a responsibility to tell the truth.”

Amanda Edwards / Getty Images


Victoria Beckham said that she got a boob job when she was younger, later writing, “Don’t mess with your boobs. All those years I denied it — stupid. A sign of insecurity. Just celebrate what you’ve got.”

Craig Barritt / Getty Images for Bergdorf Goodman


Lisa Kudrow had a nose job when she was 16, later saying, “I went from, in my mind, hideous, to not hideous.”

Jean Baptiste Lacroix / WireImage / Getty Images


Amy Schumer wrote on Instagram about having liposuction after her endometriosis surgeries, saying, “Never thought I would do anything but talk to me after your uterus doesn’t contract for 2.5 years and you turn 40.”


Rachel Bloom has been open about having a breast reduction after the birth of her child, writing on Instagram, “I started to get under-boob rashes, shoulder grooving (when your bra strap digs into your skin), neck issues and night sweats (I couldn’t fall asleep unless I had a pillow in BETWEEN my breasts).”


Kelly Rowland had a boob job when she was 28, after waiting 10 years to think about it — advice given by Beyoncé’s mother. She said in 2020, after having her first child, “I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I’m going to see someone (wink, wink) after I have my second kid. In the meantime, I just tried to enjoy my ability to feed my baby!”

Cindy Ord / Getty Images


Amber Rose has been open about having a breast reduction after having children and facing back pain, describing the clothing options going from a 36H to a 36DDD for her as a “dream come true.” She’s also had liposuction numerous times.


Kris Jenner has talked about having a boob job, a breast reduction, fillers, Botox, and even a facelift on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. She even joked on Good Work when asked what she’d had done, “You want me to list everything?”

Theo Wargo / Getty Images


Jamie Lee Curtis had plastic surgery on her eyes in her 20s, after a cameraman said she had puffy eyes, and later said, “I tried plastic surgery and it didn’t work. It got me addicted to Vicodin.” She has been sober since 1999, and added, “The current trend of fillers and procedures, and this obsession with filtering, and the things that we do to adjust our appearance on Zoom are wiping out generations of beauty.”

Stephane Cardinale – Corbis / Corbis via Getty Images


Finally, Iggy Azalea has previously spoken about getting a nose job and her breasts done, saying, “I think more people need to admit that shit so it doesn’t have to be so taboo — because we’re all doing it anyway.”

Craig Sjodin / ABC via Getty Images

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