15-year-old driver Juju “I feel that luck is also good” The second season of Danish F4 ends

デンマークでの2季目を終えたJuju(NODA RACING提供)
Juju (provided by NODA RACING) who finished the second season in Denmark

15-year-old female professional racing driver Juju (real name)・ Juju Noda) has finished the second season of the Danish F4 Championship.

16th ~ of the final round on October 2nd and 3rd Participated in 18 races. He raced aggressively in bad rain, but finished 5th, 8th and 4th. He won the debut race last season, and his father and former F1 driver Hideki Noda (52) said, “In the case of Juju, it is an image of losing except for the victory. I left it, further refined the speed, and acquired the ability to overcome troubles, “he analyzed the growth of the second season.

Juju’s comments are as follows.

The F4 season in Denmark is over.

This season, the United States (which was originally planned to participate) Trouble continues in both Denmark. In the final race, when I finally thought that the condition of the machine was trouble-free for the first time this season, I was at the mercy of the weather, and I made a mistake in selecting the tires and setup, which backfired and backfired. It was the most disappointing race of the season.

Understand that it is the top driver who will produce results in any situation Even so, to tell the truth, it was the final race, and I wanted to run as hard as I could in stable weather with a machine that was finally trouble-free.

I always worked hard with the team. Speaking of Tarareba, I’m sure I missed many wins this season for various reasons. Including all of this, it is our current ability. It was a season when I realized that luck was really good. I learned that I can’t win just by being fast, but I realized once again that I’m not losing by speed.

You can’t win without total strength. If we can step up in the future, we will have to show our ability as a driver in a team of a larger organization and establish our own position.

Two seasons in Europe spent at NODA Racing are good There were a lot of things and bad things, and I started from the debut victory, and when I was struck by the troubles and bad luck that came down many times, and the hate reality that I didn’t want to remember so much, I recovered and felt patience.

To all the sponsors and fans who have grown me I just want to thank everyone, team staff, friends and family. It’s a mundane word, but thank you for your support. And from today, I will turn a new page.

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