21st CENTURY SPORTS SCANDAL: Because of this, they want to destroy Novak!

In every corner of the planet today, there is talk of only one name, Novak Djokovic , and his struggle for “survival” in Melbourne.



From the moment he published information on his social accounts that he was on his way to Melbourne to win the 21st Grand Slam title, Novak caused a real media avalanche, except for his the fight waged by his lawyers, the protests of his family, the battle is waged by his fans from all over the world on social networks. A real media drama is taking place on all channels and on all corners of this planet because of Novak.

Namely, the best tennis player in the world would overtake the Australian Open (January 17-30) with a triumph at the Australian Open

Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal with whom he shares first place in the number of Grand Slam trophies won (20).

After the plane landed, Novak was shocked to learn. The government of Victoria refused him a visa because it was determined that he asked for the wrong type of visa, which is immediately broadcast by the portal “The Age” under the shocking title “Visa problems delay Djokovic’s entry into Australia”, then the best racket in the world, keep him at the border all night checking his medical records .

Although he received a medical exemption from two commissions, which earned him the right to participate in the upcoming Australian Open, Novak was waiting for a real horror at the airport in Melbourne!

So, the essence of his stay comes down to the issue of vaccination against the coronavirus. Namely, according to the regulations of Australia and the state of Victoria, which includes Melbourne, where the first Grand Slam tournament of the season takes place, only people who have been vaccinated against kovid are allowed to enter the country. As Nole did not fulfill that condition, he asked for a medical exemption, since it is about confidential information about the health condition of Novak Djokovic, the reasons for the exemption are not stated. The further development of events leads many to draw conclusions too quickly, and stated that Novak is privileged, although behind the decision of the Australian authorities are the opinions of two medical commissions that gave the green light to approve his participation in the tournament in Melbourne.


However, the challenges in Australia have only just begun, place him in a refugee hotel, while conducting a shameful trial against him. After he celebrated Christmas in a dirty prison , the fight continues until Monday. While the world media is developing a serious controversy, as there are allegedly serious indications that he was crowned twice. Novak then leaves the creepy refugee hotel, publishes the first official information and thanks the judge for his verdict to return his visa to stay in Australia.

The biggest sports scandal in the 21st century.

However, after only a few days ago, the Minister of Emigration Alex Hawke made a decision on the alleged the deportation of Novak Djokovic from the country! This decision is undoubtedly one of the biggest sports scandals in the 21st century.

As we explained above did Novak Djokovic play at the Australian Open tournament and if he wins it for the tenth time in his career. In that case, the Australians will have to erect a monument to him .

Namely, in the event that a record 10 The road wins the first Grand Slam of the season (Roy Emerson and Roger Federer have won six times each) automatically must get a bust in front of Rod Laver Arena , central court.

– One thing many they probably don’t know, and that is that if one player wins the Australian Open ten times, his bust must be placed in front of Rod Laver Arena – said the Serbian coach Dejan Kojić and continued:

– That will now be a big thing for the tennis world. A Serb from a country of seven million people came and he will do it now-

said Dejan Kojić

Read: The chase against Novak divided the planet, and Marko Djokovic advertised himself with this picture! Here is what is happening among the brothers!



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