4 indicators reflect the level of aging of the body, anyone can check it right away, especially at 3 “turning points” of aging in each person's life.

Recently, a study published in the British Medical Journal confirmed: “According to age, after 65 years of age, motor function The lower the human activity, the higher the risk of death.”

At the time of follow-up (within 106 years), the researchers found that the exercise capacity and risk of death are related.

In fact, to know if a person has a long life expectancy, how old is it, Experts will evaluate according to the following 4 scientifically proven factors, just 3/5 points, the higher your chances of living a long life.

4 indicators reflect the aging level of the body

Speak In general, the human body’s organs have reached their peak before the age of 30. After that, most organs will age at a rate of about 0.8-1% per year. You can refer to 4 indicators to check the aging level yourself:

first. Walking speed

“>The World Health Organization (WHO) also published a report showing that life expectancy worldwide increased by 5.5 years between 2000 and 2019, with women living longer. Photo: Internet

When walking, about 60-70% Muscles of the whole body participate in activities including nervous, respiratory, musculoskeletal, circulatory and other systems, so this index can comprehensively reflect the health of the elderly.

The walking speed of normal people is 0.9m/s, if less than 0.6m/s, muscle atrophy may be severe.Beware of myasthenia gravis. In the elderly, walking speed below 0.6m/s may increase the risk of death.When walking unsteadily, limping and other manifestations, be alert for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. like a stroke and get medical attention in time!

2. The ability to grip

The British journal “The Lancet” published a study on health , the results of which show that g loss of grip indicates a higher incidence of major diseases such as stroke and cardiovascular disease, and a shorter life expectancy.

Also, you can also take the test according to your own fitness. If you do not meet the following standards, it means that your exercise function is poor.

Male: 40-60 years old

Female: 40-60 years old

3. Ability to sit and stand

“> A simple test to see if the bones and muscles of the lower extremities are good or not, thereby offering solutions to improve. Photo: Aboluowang

For the elderly, the ability to sit and stand is also a very basic fitness test.Check your body with this simple method. after:

Get a chair of suitable height, cross your arms in front of your chest and do standing and sitting movements 25 or more times in 30 seconds. can be completed, it means that the bones and muscles of the lower extremities are in good condition. Otherwise, the muscles of the lower extremities show signs of decline. The less frequency, the more severe the decline.

4. Extroverted personality

People with a cheerful personality have a higher ability to cope with stress.There have been many studies that have shown that people with cheerful and extroverted personalities live longer because they have a better mental state and the ability to control negative emotions. wish bad things.

You can check the aging level of your body based on the above indicators, if the test results are not satisfactory, quickly find a way to make timely adjustments to prolong life.

3 turning points of aging in everyone’s life

first. About 34 years old, health began to decline

4 chỉ số phản ánh mức độ lão hoá của cơ thể, ai cũng có thể tự kiểm tra ngay, đặc biệt là ở 3 thời điểm bước ngoặt của sự già nua trong cuộc đời mỗi người  - Ảnh 3.

“>According to a study published in the journal Nature in 2019, the aging process does not happen at a uniform rate but has three physiological turning points from “quantitative change to qualitative change”. 34, 60 and 78 years old.

At this age, the number of cells and the amount of water in the body begins to decrease.Humans begin to face the first turning point of aging

People at this stage are usually The “pillar” of the family, above is old, below is young. The burden of the family is heavy on the shoulders. Therefore, working overtime, staying up late, raising small children, eating irregularly… is normal. this, we need to pay more attention to the nervous and musculoskeletal system

2. At 60 years old, different functions begin to enter “old age”

After the age of 60, the speed of cell division and tissue regeneration is slower and slower, so all body functions begin to decline and officially enter the old age. oization.

In addition, when you reach retirement age, you are prone to the mentality of “useless yourself, just idle”. At this time, if not adjusted and adapted in time, psychological diseases such as depression … are easy to raging, causing both body and spirit to be affected. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to the circulatory system, mental state and immune system.

3. At the age of 78, the aging process accelerates, leading to many chronic diseases

At this stage, the aging rate will be greatly accelerated. The major systems of the body including nervous, urinary, respiratory and circulatory will undergo changes, possibly even accompanied by a variety of chronic diseases affecting life expectancy.

According to a survey data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention: People over 70 years old, the most important factors of decline life is cardiovascular disease (39.11%) and cancer (15.4%). Therefore, we must strengthen prevention and control two aspects.

Although aging is inevitable. However, if we can take effective measures to make timely adjustments at “sensitive” times, we can still delay aging to a certain extent and improve the quality of life. living.

Scientific exercise helps to repel aging, prolong life

“>Maintaining health through proper exercise. Photo: Intenret

Reasonable and scientific exercise helps middle-aged and elderly people maintain their health and prolong their life. suitable practice time

1. Amount of exercise

According to WHO recommendations: Middle-aged and elderly people should spend 150 minutes a week exercising moderate intensity rhythms.You can evenly distribute the amount of exercise time, such as practicing 20 minutes a day or 30 minutes for 5 days.

2. Exercise intensity 4 chỉ số phản ánh mức độ lão hoá của cơ thể, ai cũng có thể tự kiểm tra ngay, đặc biệt là ở 3 thời điểm bước ngoặt của sự già nua trong cuộc đời mỗi người  - Ảnh 1.

When exercising, you must depend on your own condition, should not be forced, if you practice too much, it is easy to cause an accident.Safe heart rate when the elderly exercise is: rhythm heart rate at rest +30-40 (beats/minute), can fluctuate up and down ± 10 times/minute

Also, every n It can also be based on breathing rate (faster/faster hard to control), perspiration (light sweating/overall sweating), as well as muscle and joint sensation (muscles are a bit sore but joints aren’t). obvious pain/swelling, soreness, numbness), subjective sensory exercise (easy/normal/difficult). If all are in the first option, then the intensity of the exercise is appropriate.

3. Exercise time

To achieve your fitness goals, time Exercise time is also essential. Less is not effective, overload will hurt the body. Therefore, training time also needs to be controlled. In general, an exercise should last 30-40 minutes to improve cardiopulmonary function and better lose weight.

In summary: As we age, muscles The body will begin to age – a normal physiological phenomenon. At this time, we must bravely face it, not avoid it. In addition, we can exercise science to reduce the speed of body aging!

According to Aboluowang, Sohu…

Ngoc Nhi

According to Young Intellectuals

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