4 Latest Facts About Hitting Arowana After Brain Bleeding, Leave the ICU Ruang

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Recently Tukul Arowana is being the center of public attention. That’s because the comedian who was born on October 16, 1963, suffered a brain hemorrhage. The brain hemorrhage experienced by

comedian Tukul Arowana made him intensively treated at the National Brain Center Hospital (PON Hospital).

The owner’s real name Tukul Riyanto was rushed to the ICU because his condition had worsened due to a brain hemorrhage. Tukul has been in the hospital for more than a week and is in the ICU. Now after surgery, Tukul Arowana’s condition is slowly getting better and has even left the ICU. Tukul Arowana

was not in the ICU and was transferred to the treatment room. Of course, the news of this hilarious presenter whose condition is improving was warmly welcomed by the public. The public hopes that Tukul will recover soon and return to the entertainment world as a comedian and presenter whose jokes always make you laugh. , there are several other facts related to the condition of Tukul. The following is a summary of Liputan6.com from various sources, the latest facts on the condition of Tukul Arowana’s brain hemorrhage, Saturday (2/10/2021).

1. Confirmed conditions continue to improve

Tukul Arowana ( Kapanlagi.com)

2. Tukul can’t be visited yet Tukul Arowana” id=”gallery-image-1326173″>
Tukul Arowana (Andy Masela/Bintang.com)

Tukul Arowana’s condition is getting better and has been moved to an inpatient room. However, Kimon’s manager explained that Tukul still needs intensive post-operative care so he can’t be visited.

“Yes, it’s gradually getting better. However, even though he has been hospitalized, he still has to rest intensively. So, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to visit him because he has to rest,” added Kimon.

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