5 intrigue series to shiver in front of Netflix (October 2021)

Netflix may accompany you for a good part of the weekend, rain and gray forcing. Considering the time, you might as well stay under the blanket, at the back of the sofa, in front of the TV. And precisely, if you are looking for intrigue series to put your teeth in, then this list should interest you.

Un homme en train de manger du popcorn
Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

It will indeed allow you to discover the 5 productions not to be missed at the moment.

This list is not fully exhaustive. It is indeed based on a personal list. This also means that you are free to complete it.

To see also: Netflix: the 10 movies and series that destroyed everything this week


It has just landed in the catalog of Netflix and it is well on its way to making a lasting impression on the favorites of its users.

October takes place in a small town hit by the disappearance of a child, a disappearance which will put a strain on the nerves of the inhabitants of the region. Especially since a strange little man made of chestnuts will be found at the scene of the crime. Two policemen will then do everything to find the kidnapper of the child.

This Danish series promises to be very dark, but it should interest all those fascinated by sordid investigations.

Gone Forever

This mini-series is inspired by a book by the essential Harlan Coben.

It therefore follows the journey of a man who has lost two loved ones and who is finally starting to cope after ten years. But now, his demons will wake up when his girlfriend goes missing. He will then realize that the worst drama of his life is happening again.

And of course he will do everything to find the missing.

Open Your Eyes

It all starts with the awakening of a teenager in a strange center. Struck with severe amnesia, she was told that she had been admitted to this establishment for treatment and that she had suffered a serious accident.

An accident at the origin of her memory loss.

But now, she will very quickly realize that the clinic in question is carrying out experiments strange, and she will therefore start investigating.

A thrilling series, which comes straight from Poland and which will give you great chills.


Katla is a timeless series. As a local volcano explodes, a community is surprised to find a completely naked woman in the middle of nowhere. A woman who happens to be … a former missing person.

Except that, the person in question is still there.

Difficult to summarize in a few words, Katla is a series a bit apart, but it is served by a gripping story and by a careful realization.


And we end with a series often cited in these lines: Marcella. A detective series that focuses on the inspector of the same name, an inspector who has great difficulty fighting against her demons and who will learn a lot about her over the course of her investigations.

Note that the third season of the series has been available recently, and that it is clearly worth its weight in gold.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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