50 Cent Says He Would Star in a Romantic Comedy with Nicki Minaj

50 Cent and Nicki Minaj

50 Cent wants to share the screen with Nicki Minaj.

During his appearance on “Jalen Rose: Renaissance Man Podcast,” the hip-hop mogul was asked who he would want to star alongside in a romantic comedy and Nicki was the first name that came to mind.

“You know who would probably be fun to work with? Nicki,” said Fif. “Nicki Minaj would be fun to be in a romantic comedy with.”

Since they both grew up in the New York neighborhood of South Jamaica, Queens, 50 feels a kinship to the “Seeing Green” rapper. “I kinda understand her a little bit more than the other people,” he said. “When she’s being an asshole because she’s telling you, ‘You’re not going to take advantage of me.’”

While not everyone may like her “tough” personality, 50 says he understands Nicki and also defended her relationship with husband Kenneth Petty.

This is not the first time 50 has shared his love for Nicki. While speaking with Lil Wayne on Young Money Radio last year, 50 applauded Nicki for being an assertive “alpha female.”

“I love me some Nicki. This na actually happens to come from my neighborhood. It happens to be a girl, but that na is tough!” he said. “She be harder than the na she fk with. She be harder and she’s an alpha female! That motherfker tough! You see what I’m saying, son? You got to watch her or she’ll go–she’ll do something that’s pulling a move to assert herself.”

50 is fresh off the premiere of his new Starz series “BMF,” which has already been renewed for a second season.

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