7 Best Tools for Prioritizing Work

Did you know that a staggering 1 in 8 people never feel under control at work?[1] That’s not a trivial number; that’s a significant chunk of the workforce constantly drowning in tasks. And while having a system for time management is a golden key to productivity, a surprising 82% of people are operating without one. They’re not strategizing or organizing; they’re merely surviving with a to-do list or their email inbox as a makeshift lifeline.

This might be why so many of us perpetually feel short on time, like we’re always scrambling to finish our tasks and constantly chasing after time.

But don’t fret; streamlining your schedule doesn’t require a steep learning curve. There are plenty of straightforward tools and apps out there, designed to help you adopt a system that works seamlessly for you.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to 7 of the best tools for prioritizing work, ready to help you regain control without the hassle.

7 Best Tools for Prioritizing Work

1. Hive


Operating as a comprehensive project management tool that allows teams to visualize tasks, delegate, communicate, and track progress, Hive is an all in one unified dashboard.

One of its standout features is “Action Cards,” which transform conversations directly into actionable tasks, ensuring that key decisions are automatically converted into priority items.

A notable perk of Hive is its real-time collaboration—multiple team members can work on a document simultaneously, making real-time changes.

To get the most out of Hive, integrate it with your other tools, like Slack or Zoom, and use Hive Analytics to assess team productivity and identify bottlenecks.

2. ClickUp

7 Best Tools for Prioritizing Work

Designed to be a flexible task management platform, ClickUp offers customizable views that range from board, list, box, and more.

Specifically, ClickUp’s “Priority” attribute lets tasks be marked as urgent, high, medium, or low. This distinction allows teams to immediately focus on what needs their attention the most.

A significant perk of ClickUp is its high level of customization, making it a perfect solution for businesses with unique needs.

For best results, start by setting overarching goals in ClickUp and break them down into smaller, prioritized tasks.

3. Scoro

7 Best Tools for Prioritizing Work

Scoro stands out as a work management software that provides a combined solution for project, sales, billing, and reports.

It excels in helping with prioritization through its “Work Scheduling & Tracking” feature, which visually displays tasks, deadlines, and team availability all in one place. This visual approach simplifies resource allocation significantly.

A unique perk of Scoro is its integrated CRM that helps in bridging sales tasks with ongoing projects.

To utilize Scoro effectively, regularly monitor performance metrics using Scoro’s dashboard and adjust priorities based on this data.

4. Reveall

7 Best Tools for Prioritizing Work

Reveall offers AI-driven insights into your tasks and work patterns. By analyzing your habits and patterns, Reveall can suggest task sequencing that aligns with your personal productivity style, making prioritization more intuitive and tailored to you.

The standout perk here is that these AI-driven recommendations mean your prioritization becomes smarter and more personalized over time.

To make Reveall most effective, consistently input your daily tasks into the system for more accurate AI analysis and better recommendations.

5. airfocus

7 Best Tools for Prioritizing Work

Built to assist in strategic planning, airfocus is a clear way to prioritize tasks using a value vs. effort matrix. Tasks are assigned value and effort scores, and airfocus visually places them in a matrix—clearly illustrating what is worth your attention.

A unique and interactive feature of airfocus is its Priority Poker tool, which involves teams in the decision-making process.

For continued success with airfocus, it’s vital to regularly update the value and effort scores as tasks evolve, keeping the priority matrix accurate and relevant.

6. Craft.io

7 Best Tools for Prioritizing Work

Craft.io is a product management platform, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for planning, researching, and building products.

One of its key features is “Story Mapping,” which visualizes product development phases and highlights the most critical stages, helping teams prioritize effectively.

A significant perk of Craft.io is its direct integration with popular development tools such as Zendesk, Slack and Github, creating a smoother workflow from idea to production.

To utilize Craft.io to its fullest, connect it with your development tools and use story mapping as a visual guide of your product’s development journey.

7. Aha!

7 Best Tools for Prioritizing Work

Aha! serves as a roadmap software that facilitates teams in clarifying goals, setting strategy, and managing releases.

It’s designed with a “Goals and Initiatives” section that ties tasks directly to company objectives, ensuring that everyone on the team understands and aligns with overarching priorities.

One of the standout perks of Aha! is its “Visual Roadmaps,” which make it easier to understand the project trajectory and are exceptionally useful when presenting to stakeholders.

To get the best from Aha!, regularly revisit and revise your strategy in response to company objectives and market feedback.

Bottom Line

In a realm where most people drift aimlessly with just a list or inbox, understanding what matters most is essential. These tools I’ve recommended above are your pathfinders in this endeavor. Each offers unique ways to help you turn chaos into clear action.

Don’t just scan the list; invest a moment to explore these apps. Their potential goes beyond mere organization; they’re your ticket to impactful work. Dive in, and choose the one that fits your needs most to boost your productivity.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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