8 Congenital Baby Girls, Complete with Myths and Facts!

ADA 8 congenital baby girl which is still a hereditary belief. There are some assumptions stating that pregnant women who look more beautiful than usual are interpreted as being pregnant with a baby girl. Meanwhile pregnant women who are more indifferent about appearance are believed to be pregnant with a baby boy.

This kind of thing will always be interesting to discuss. But, is it true that the baby girl is pregnant with her?

Medically, this discussion is clearly explained on the Medical News Today page. Their report reveals there are several recognizable signs that the mother is pregnant with a baby girl. Here’s more:

1. Not feeling well in the morning

(8 pregnant baby girls, Photo: Boldsky)

Morning sickness is often interpreted as a sign of having a daughter. In fact, research shows that feeling sick at certain times during pregnancy may have something to do with the sex of the baby.

“A study conducted in 2017 found that women carrying girls experienced more inflammation when their immune systems were exposed to bacteria, compared to those carrying baby boys,” the report said. quoted on Wednesday (22/9/2021).

2. Experience extreme mood swings

Extreme mood swings or mood swings are often associated with baby girls. Some believe this has to do with the increased estrogen levels during the pregnancy of a baby girl.

Unfortunately research does not prove that. Hormone levels rise during pregnancy, and fall after delivery. This has nothing to do with the sex of the baby being conceived.

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3. Weight gain in the second trimester

Another belief is that mothers who are carrying a baby girl will experience weight gain in the second trimester. However, if weight gain occurs early in pregnancy, there is a belief that it is a boy.

Scientific research cannot prove this. Medical science believes that when a pregnant woman gains weight, it depends on her body type, not the gender of the baby.

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4. Very big pregnant belly

Yes, if during pregnancy the mother’s stomach is very large, it is often associated with having a baby girl. This theory has no scientific basis.

Because pregnant women have a very large belly, it depends on the type of body, weight gain during pregnancy, and the level of fitness, as well as the strength of the muscles of the woman’s body.

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