8 Songs You Should Listen to Now: This Week’s Pitchfork Selects Playlist

The staff of Pitchfork listens to a lot of new music. A lot of it. On any given day our writers, editors, and contributors go through an imposing number of new releases, giving recommendations to each other and discovering new favorites along the way. Each Monday, with our Pitchfork Selects playlist, we’re sharing what our writers are playing obsessively and highlighting some of the Pitchfork staff’s favorite new music. The playlist is a grab-bag of tracks: Its only guiding principle is that these are the songs you’d gladly send to a friend.

This week’s Pitchfork Selects playlist features The Weeknd, Chief Keef, Let’s Eat Grandma, and more. Listen below and follow our playlists on Apple Music and Spotify. (Pitchfork earns a commission from purchases made through affiliate links on our site.)

Pitchfork Selects: January 10, 2022

The Weeknd: “Take My Breath (Extended Version)”
The Weeknd: “Less Than Zero”
Chief Keef: “Bitch Where”
Widowspeak: “Everything Is Simple”
Vein.fm: “The Killing Womb”
The Smile: “You Will Never Work in Television Again”
Let’s Eat Grandma: “Happy New Year”
Jana Horn: “Time Machine”

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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