8 superhero series and movies that are not Marvel or DC and that you cannot miss if you love the genre

Surely you have heard of Eternals, the latest Marvel superhero movie that has been uploaded to its Disney+ platform. Or from Zack Snyder’s Justice League, with its moving vision of a two-hour movie turned into a four-odd miniseries, which is on HBO Max.

And this is usual, since these films spend millions of millions on marketing, so we have them advertised even in the soup. It seems that the world of the superhero ends in these productions.

Luckily for us, on the most popular streaming platforms in the world we can find options very valid, very funny and very interesting that have nothing to do with the usual heroes.

Sign up for Disney+

Disney+ continues to release news, such as its STAR channel. If you sign up for the annual subscription, you will save the equivalent of two months compared to the monthly subscription.

That is why today we make you a selection with more than half a dozen series and movies that you have probably never seen before. Although we cannot assure you that they are all new to you, some options are very famous.

No further delay we start with 8 superhero series and movies that are not Marvel or DC and that you cannot miss if you love the genre.

8 superhero series and movies that are not Marvel or DC

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