Ferrari still eyes Mercedes F1 and Red Bull as favorites

Ferrari takes on the image of a possible favorite team in 2022, since the Scuderia has been preparing its season since the beginning of last year. Its sporting director, Laurent Mekies, however, judges that one should never underestimate Mercedes F1 and Red Bull, and their know-how.

“For sure that they needed to bring developments last year” Mekies said. “However, they are both incredible organizations and you only have to look at the results to see it.”

According to the French, we must not therefore exclude these two structures from the race for the title, and even consider that Ferrari has not caught up: “Therefore, I will not underestimate for a second their capacity produce a great car in 2022.”

“Yes, they had to spend more for 2021, but if you look at the results they’ve had over the last ten years, you would have to be very naive to think that closing the gap will be easy.”

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